Norwich Bulletin from Norwich, Connecticut (2024)

NORWICH BULLETIN, FRIDAY, APRIL 17, 1914 THIEVES CAUGHT AT SOUTHINGTON MERGHAOTS' WEEK SPECIALS After an Exciting Chase Through the Streets Twice Forded Quinnipiac River Southington, April 115. Albert Vincent Nother of Waterbury were arrested today, charged with theft, an exciting chase through the st eets. It is said the brothers entered a local store and while one of them ivjs engaged in talking with, the proprietor the other put some articles in an empty dress suit case. This act was discovered and both hurriedly left the store. The proprietor followed them.

and others joined in the chase. -The men forded the Quinnipiac river, but were later caught and arrested in the western end of the town. They first gave their, names, as Albert and Vincent Nelson. Later they admitted their real names. The Wa-terbury police said that Albert has served a term in prison for theft.

Both will be given a hearing tomorrow. WIRELESS FROM MEXICO BOUND BATTLESHIPS Off the Coast of Charlestown Making 12 Knots an Hour. On Board the U. S. S.

Arkansas, at Sea. by Wireless Via Charlestown, April 16 The United States battleship squadron, composed of the Arkansas, Vermont, New Hampshire, and New Jersey, was off Charleston This afternoon. The battleship South Carolina which was intercepted by wireless enrout from Santo Domingo, will join Rear Admiral Badger's command off Key "West Sunday morning. An inspection of field equipment and landing gear was made today. The ships are making about twelve knots an hour.

TELEPHONE INCREASES IN CONNECTICUT. STOMACH TROUBLES Increasing. A Simple Remedy. It- has been said the body is like a machine and digestion and elimination of food are the two great factors to heaJth. It the digestive organs are weak, the stomach -overtaxed, waste matter accumulates in the system the liver gets sluggish and the blood becomes thin and devitalized.

We want to ask every person in this vicinity who is troubled with indigestion or a weak, wornout stomach to try our delicious cod liver and iron tonic, Vinol. We know it will strengthen and tone up the weakened, tired and overtaxed nerves of the digestive organs, create a hearty appetite, and replace weakness with strength. We just heard of a case of a man iu Portland, who suffered from a bad stomach trouble for years and had become so weak he could hardly walk who was built up by Vinol so he could eat heartily without the slightest distress. Try a bottle of Vinol and if it fails to help you we will give hack your money. Broadway Pharmacy.

G. G. ICngler. Norwich. Conn.

Vinol is sold in Baltic by J. W. Laval ie Co, and in Taftville by the Taftville Pharmacy. P. 6.

For itching, burning skin try our Saxo Salve. We guarantee it. Over 1 10.000 Are Now In Use and Large Gains Are Being Made Each Quarter. The regular quarterly issue of the Southern New England Telephone company's directory will go into effect on Sunday, the 19th, and in con nection with this book it is interesting to know that the increase in in Connecticut since the first of UM year, the first quarter of 1914, has been 1,723. The telephone company esrjmates the increase forvthe entire year as 8,000, which will make the total number of telephones in use on Jan.

1, 1915, 119,219. On Dec. 31, 1904. the total number of telephones was If the 1914 figure is reached, it will mean a growth of 86.011 telephones in ten years, a growth nearly three times as great as the grand total in 1904. The preparation and distribution of the directory containing these telephones has now assumed considerable proportions, as may be seen from the following ligures supplied by the local management of the company.

The total- number of books issued will be 115,000, each book containing 600 pages not including the cover. It required six weeks to compile and print the issue. The number of changes from the January issue was over 12,000, and 12.1,000 thumb-cuts had to be made. The total number of pages in the isRiie was 69,000,000. If these were srpread flat they would cover approximately square feet.

The total weight of the issue is something over 87 tons. If these books were placed one on top of the other, a taper lower would rise 9,300 feet, or approximately one and eight-tenths of a mile, into the air. The base of this ffisantic sliver would cover 75 square 'nohes. There is probably no one thing that more graphically illustrates the growth of telephone service in this state than the telephone directory. And it will bo obvious, from the facts shown above, that it is something of a task to compile, print and distribute this book.

NEW HAVEN ELECTRIFICATION. To excel at times Is expected of every house, but to excel at all times marks a position rarely attained. Yet this -is just our position today in the FEED BUSINESS. You can always get thoroughly reliable feed stuffs of all kinds from us at lowest prices. IAS.

SLQS6ERG 3 Cove Street III Ends RETAIL Cotton, Silk, Crepes, Voiles, Ratines, Fancy Striped Shirtings, Piques, Dimities, Lawns, Silk Chiffon, Silk Poplins PONEMAH MILLS Taftville, Conn. Salesroom closed between 12 and 1, and after 11 a. m. Saturday. Trolley to the door.

Asparagus (Fan) LettUCe (Native) Tomatoes (Florida) People's Filas'koi 6 Franklin St. JUSTIN HOLDEN, Proprietor MISS M. ADLES HairsScafp and FaceSpBcialist Merchants' Week Bargains In order to do her part toward the nuccess of Merchants' Week, Jliss Adles offers special reductions from now until April 25th incluslre, in all Hair Goods, Face Creams, Scalp Tonics, Etc. A Big Opportunity for the Ladiea! JM MA IT ST, Next to Chelaea Baak. Will Be Ready Probably June 1 Extent of Electric Operation.

In view of the interest manifested in the electrification of the Xew York, New Haven and Hartford lines between Xew York and Xew Haven, and the probable date of completion, the following can be said to summarize the situation as it now stands: So far as engineering and construction experience can indicate, the overhead contact and distribution system between Xew York and Xew Havfn, it is believed, will be completed by June 1. Electric freight, ipassenger and switching service can then be established between Xew York and Xew Haven. The extent of this service is dependent upon the electrical output of the power house at Cos Cob, Connecticut. Exaetis' to what extent trains will be operated by electricity upon the completion of the work now in pro gress it is difficult to state. The trains to be operated in this manner after that date will naturally toe arranged so as to secure the greatest electric movement consistent with the normal output of electricity from the Cos Cob station.

The original electrification of the Xew Haven road between Stamford and Wooulawn, begun in 1905 and completed in 1907, embraced 21 1-2 miles of route and 110 miles of single track. As the Xew York Central had the year previous electrified its track from the Grand Central station to tVoodlawn. where the junction with the Xew Haven tracks is made, a distance of 12 miles, this made the total route distance lor the Xew Haven's original electric service between the Grand Central station and Stamford one of 33 miles. The original electrification plant included, besides the overhead system, the power station at Cos Cab and 41 electric locomotives. This equipment was sufficient to permit of full electric passenger service between the Grand Central station and Stamford, where the transfer is made from steam to electric operation.

After a considerable experience with the electric service between these points it was decided to electrify the six track Harlem River con neeting Harlem river with the main line at Xew Rochelle, and subsequently to extend the electrification of the road east from Stamford to New Haven. In these plans the finai object in mind was the putting of all passenger, freight and switching service upon an electric basis. With this end iu view appropriations were made for an addition to the electrical out- i put of the Cos Cob station, for additions to the main line, yards and siding electrification and for additional locomotives of the freight and sitch- ing type. When these appropriation estimates were made, however, heavy expenditures were required elsewhere on the property. For this reason it became necessary at that time to forego the building of power plants required at the eastern and western extremities of 1 the rlectrificatlon none.

Tln increase made in the output of the Cos Cob power plant, as provided lor in these appropriations, would permit of a very large percentage of complete electric service as soon as the overhead contact and distribution svs-tom is ready. It will not, however, permit of ion per cent, of electric service until the eastern and western plants shall have been provided. Complete electric operation therefore will be delayed until suitable arrangements for additional power and electric lo-enmrtivp? can be obtained. When this will he (le'if-iuls on the general finan cial condition of ilie company and the co: in Try. for In Town and Out of Town Customers In Our Photographic Department We Carry the Largest and Best Stock of EASTMAN KODAKS AND CAMERAS Films, Plates, Film Packs and Supplies for Amateurs and Professionals to be found in this part of New England.

Our Developing, Printing and Enlarging has long been Acknowledged by all to be the Best and at the Lowest Cost Consistent with the Quality. make it to your decided advantage to buy now we place on sale a lot of fine New Cameras at the following prices Qne 5 x7 Premo, Regular $27.50, at 22.50 One 4 5 Pony Premo, regular $12.60, at $10.00 One 3 Fm Premo, regular $11.25, at $9.00 One 3JA 4 Film Premo, regular $9.00, at $7.25 One 2y2 AlA Premoette, regular $9.00, at $7.25 These are all new and in perfect condition and are Bargains We also offer some CAMERAS that have been used at prices you cannot get by. This is your golden opportunity to own a Camera for a very little price. As it is our purpose to be of as much service as possible to our customers we have arranged with a professional to be in attendance every afternoon and evening from April 20th to 25th to answer all your questions and furnish dependable information. Bring in your troubles.

Our lines of CORRESPONDENCE PAPER is made up of popular styles at popular prices. During this week we are selling a line of POUND PAPER the 25c grade for 19c, ENVELOPES 6c. A new and fine line of INITIAL STATIONERY at 25c the box. An extra fine line at 50c. I Cranston 6c Co.

158 MAIN STREET, NORWICH, CONN. NEW HAVEN POAD TO RATIFY DISSOLUTION. Of Proxies Representing 780,000 Shares Only 362 Are in Opposition. Xew York, April 16 It is virtually certain that the stockholders of the Xew York, Xew, Haven and Hartford Railroad company, who are to meet in Xew Haven next Tuesday, will formally ratify the dissolution agreement recently entered into between the company's officers and the department of justice at Washington. After a meeting of the road's directors held here today Chairman Chairman Howard Klliott announced that proxies representing TS0.000 shares, or slightly more than half of the outstanding stock, had been received and of this amount only 362 shares had recorded their opposition.

Respecting the company earr.Jngn, the first week of April shows a slight increase in gross over the previous year, whild the net for March is fully as good as In 1913. J. M. Tomlinson was elected a ice president in charge of the company's accounting department, succeeding H. M.

Kochersperger. who recently re signed bccauseof ill health. MrV'-'TSlMott'-. declined to discuss recent developments connecting the Xew Haven road with the affairs of the Billard company, except to say tha he and his associates are offering the federal government every facility Jn its examination into that company's affairs. Contrary to general expectation, no plan for the readjustment of the Xw Haven's financies will be submittal to the stockholders next Tuesday.

Xe-gotiatlons for the payment of exten sion of the road's $45,000,000 notes duo May 18 are still under way, but have reached no definite stage. TWO CHECKS CALLING FOR $32,971,250 EACH Received by City of New York in Pay- ment for $65,000,000 Bond Issue. Xew York, April 16. Two slips of I paper, each representing $32,971,250, were delivered to the city of Xew York today. They were certified checks, turned over to the city by the success- ful bidders at yesterday's bona sale, in payment for the issue of $65,000,000 and the premium.

It was stated that I these checks were are largest of any i which have been written since Leslie M. Shaw, then secretary of the treas- i fry, gave a check for $40,000,000 to the Xew York banking house which represented the French interests in the purchase by the government of the partially completed Panama canal. The two banking houses which purchased the 4 1-4 per cent. 60-year bonds at 101.45 offered them at 102.10, and at the close of business tonight it was said they had sold $22, 000,000 of the amount. Their profit on the issue will be $422,500.

CHICAGO DRAINAGE PROJECT CALLS FOR $500,000,000 Flood Prevention Will Call For Big Expenditure in Next 20 Years. i Chicaso. April 16 Flood prevention and drainige projects will require-the expenditure of $500,000,000 in the" next twenty years, according to a. re- port prepared by Edmund T. Perk- ins.

president of the Xational Drainage congress, who left today for Sa- vannah, to complete arrangements for the drainage conference there next i week. The report puts the labor items at 50" per 'cent, of the total cost, and the estimate isthat the profits to the coun- try through the reclamation plans will be from to Q0o. I Canada's cultvated area in 1911 was 32..404.110 acres. Dairy Deputies Exempt from Competitive Examination. Hartford, April 16 Attorney i General John H.

Light has filed an opinion with the state civil service commission in which he says F. H. Stadtmueller, the incoming dairy and food commissioner, has appointing power in naming his deputies and that the office may be exempt from compet- Hive examination. BETTER THAN CALOMEL Thousands Have Discovered Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets are a Harmless Substitute.

Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets the substitute for calomel are a mild but sure laxative, and their effect on the liver is almost instantaneous. They are the result of Dr. Edwards' determination not to treat liver and bowel complaints with calomel. His efforts to banitsh It brought out these little olive-colored tablets.

These pleasant little tablets do the good that calomel does but have no bad after effects. They don't injure the teeth like strong liquids or calomel. They take Hold of the trouble and quickly correct it. Why cure the liver at the expense of the teeth? Calomel sometimes plays havoc with the gums. So do strong liquids.

It is best not to take calomel, but to let Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets take its place. Most headaches, "dullness" and that lazy feeling come from constipation and a disordered liver. Take Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets when you feel "lossy" and Xote how they 'clear" clouded brain and how they "perk up" the spirits.

At 10c and 25c per oox. The Olive Tablet Companv, Columbus, O. All druggists. AT THE TOGGERY HIOP Norwich, Conn. WeeSi From SATURDAY, the 18th, to SATURDAY, the 25th, We will Demonstrate an Exceptionally Attractive Assembly of Exclusive Weaves, Novel Colorings, Different Patterns and Rich Fabrics You can buy your Summer Shirts from a remarkable collection, securing shirts worth while and saving when stocks are new and when vou can look forward to an entire season's wear.

CUSTOM SHIRTS MADE WITHIN TEN DAYS Handsome Crepe Shirts, Silk Shirts, Silk and Wool, Soisette, French Flannel, Madras and Linen. Soft Cuff Shirts, Stiff Cuff Shirts, Collar Attached Shirts or Detached We guarantee you Perfect Fitting Shirts and a Treat if you attend this Demonstration re TOGGERY 291 Main Street, HOP' Norwich, Conn. Dog For Golf Links. A golf dog has been discovered. The) animal, a rough-haired terrier, is quite self-supporting, and helps to support the house painter and his family with whom he lives.

He has rooted out as many as ten good golf balls on a Sunday night, and in one week brought home 22. Manchester Guardian. His Large Audience. Joseph Parker of London, on one occasion was congratulated by a friend of ours on the fact that his sermons were very widely read. "Yes," said Dr.

Parker, with a twinkle in his eye, "the front seats of my auditorium are in the Himalayas and the back seats in the Rocky mountains!" The Christian Herald. Rubber Corks. In making holes in rubber corks much annoyance is caused by the punch making- "tapering" holes and "running to the side." A little ammonia water poured on the rubber and the boring instrument causes the hole to become of uniform size at every point and the operation is accomplished with much more ease. Indolent. "Is Jones lazy?" "Lazy'a no a am a for It.

Wh- he'll go into a revolving door, then wait for somebody to come hi and turn It around." Judge. i Daily Thought. Teach your children to create. Dont always give them finished product to enjoy. Putting It Up to Him.

The guvnor (threateningly -'JLook here. Parkin, I've got tired of seeing these figures dropping month- after month, and I shall have to seriously consider taking the only steps left to me to bring about an alteration." The Manager "Yes, sir. and from when would your resignation take effect?" 1 I HnTlfiF! Christian Faith. Christian faith is a good cathedral, with divinely pictured windows. Standing without, you see no glory, nor can possibly imagine any.

Standing within, every ray of light reveals a harmony of unspeakable splendors. Hawthorne. Naugatuck. The John H. Whitte-niore memorial bridge will be dedicated May Z.

During Merchant's Week, commencing tomorrow, Saturday, we shall run special sales in all our sundry lines. Be sure and WATCH OUR SPACE. It will pay you to cut out our advertisem*nts and bring them with you when shopping. THE LEE OSGOOD Norwich, Conn. vY vV vT vY vY vV i MPJH 51 TWILL HELP YOU Woman's Relief De.

Erasers VJburJ-0-Qni Compound, th woman. I ink tu been knour for rears "Woman Relief. trine, st Kas positively prove Its 'great -raltr. Us th. treatment womanly dlseaaoa, wtl) help yet, If yon at.

nflerer frvra any ct ta tils Si ullni to women, which can b. reach.4 ky medicine. It has helped thousands of other ale women, as g-ratefol from them elMuiy describe. It contain, so poiMnua drug. 1 I Tor nrranjiissB, trttaWmy 6ow palna.

tu mttmr syms this emapo-Ht kaa Wem fous4 Jsk tued tnf. ibtii flfeLLru-O-GSla Bf tbm boat reo5y for It Co, m. autre a-ood tfcM asqr meOh-in etui net mam ft strata mmtmk, ttttnk tt la mm I MCteia. arth." san feel Bk. wrMaf strnBar letter If yea try $1.25 a bottle with directions.

Franco-German Drug 106 West 129th Street, New York AND ALL DRUGGISTS. Dr. Krugers Viburri- O-Gin.

Norwich Bulletin from Norwich, Connecticut (2024)


What was Norwich CT famous for? ›

Norwich is the birthplace of the Revolutionary War traitor Benedict Arnold. It is also the site of Leffingwell Inn, a gathering place for patriots during the Revolutionary War, and the Indian Burial Grounds for members of the Mohegan Indian tribe, including the subchief Uncas.

Is Norwich CT rural or urban? ›

Norwich, Connecticut
Urban123.1 sq mi (318.7 km2)
Elevation56 ft (17 m)
Population (2020)
• City40,125
34 more rows

Who are the founding fathers of Norwich CT? ›

Norwich was founded in 1659 by settlers from Saybrook led by Major John Mason and Rev. James Fitch. The land was purchased from the local Mohegan tribe, led by their Sachem, Uncas. The early settlement was around the Norwichtown Green.

How do I contact Norwich Bulletin? ›

You can cancel at any time by calling Customer Service at 1-860-887-5582.

What is the nickname of Norwich CT? ›

Norwich first got its nickname Rose City after preacher Henry Ward visited its gardens in 1850, according to Connecticut Explored. Ward hailed the city as “The Rose of New England." Veterans Memorial Rose Garden in the city's Mohegan Park has over 2,500 rose bushes in 120 varieties, according to Norwich's website.

What did Norwich used to be called? ›

The Anglo-Saxons settled the site of the modern city some time between the 5th and 7th centuries, founding the towns of Northwic ("North Farm"), from which Norwich takes its name, and Westwic (at Norwich-over-the-Water) and a lesser settlement at Thorpe.

Is Norwich, CT a good place to live? ›

Norwich is a neighborhood friendly town. A good place to settle down. A big and diverse city always filled with something to do. Beauitful place all year around and has great schools in the area to.

Is Norwich a good place to live in? ›

Norwich has been named as one of the best places to live in the UK. That's according to the annual Sunday Times Best Places to Live guide. Judges said of the Norfolk town: "This cosmopolitan cathedral city is a longstanding Best Places favourite for good reason.

What is the ethnicity in Norwich CT? ›

In 2022, there were 6.33 times more White (Non-Hispanic) residents (24.9k people) in Norwich, CT than any other race or ethnicity. There were 3.94k Black or African American (Non-Hispanic) and 2.88k Asian (Non-Hispanic) residents, the second and third most common ethnic groups.

What is the Society of the Founders of Norwich CT? ›

The Society of the Founders of Norwich, CT was founded October 10, 1901 primarily as a genealogical society for descendants of the 35 founders of Norwich. Today, it has evolved into a historical organization that owns and operates the Leffingwell House Museum.

Were any founding fathers from Connecticut? ›

 Oliver Ellsworth, Connecticut. Oliver Ellsworth was born on April 29, 1745, in Windsor, CT, to Capt. David and Jemima Ellsworth. He entered Yale in 1762 but transferred to the College of New Jersey (later Princeton) at the end of his second year.

Who were the early founders of Connecticut? ›

Reverend Thomas Hooker and the Rev. Samuel Stone led a group of about 100 who, in 1636, founded the settlement of Hartford, named for Stone's place of birth: Hertford, in England. Called today "the Father of Connecticut," Thomas Hooker was a towering figure in the early development of colonial New England.

How much is the Norwich Bulletin? ›

Each Premium Edition will be charged at $6.00, and the Thanksgiving print edition will be charged at $6.00. This additional charge will be added to your billing, corresponding to the delivery date of the edition.

How do I contact post bulletin? ›

It is Minnesota's largest afternoon newspaper with more than 77,000 readers daily. For subscription information, call 285-7676. To place a classified ad, call 285-7777. For all other inquiries please call 285-7600 or 800-562-1758.

How do I contact Norwich City Press? ›

Please email for any accreditation queries. Email Contacts List If you are a member of the local or national press and are not on our media contacts list, please contact us on to have your details added to the distribution list.

What is Norwich most known for? ›

Britain's most easterly city also has a vibrant cultural scene, with annual festivals and some notable modern architecture – it's been recognized as a UNESCO City of Literature. Must-sees include the majestic Norwich Cathedral and the imposing Norman castle, as well as over 30 medieval churches.

What are some fun Facts about Norwich? ›

Fun Facts. Norwich airport was originally the airfield of RAF Horsham St Faith. One of the old RAF hangars was once the home of Air UK, which grew out of Air Anglia and was then absorbed by the Dutch airline KLM. The Adam and Eve was the first pub in Norwich, dating back to the 13th century.

Why is Norwich, CT called the Rose of New England? ›

A rose garden is a fitting tribute to Norwich, known as “The Rose City.” It got that name after famed preacher Henry Ward Beecher visited about 1850 and admired the gardens there, calling it “The Rose of New England,” as the story was told in the Norwich Bulletin.

What is Norwich ancient history? ›

Romans, Boudicca and the Iceni in Norfolk

Norwich became the seat of the Earl of East Anglia with its own mint and 25 churches. Developed from a collection of small settlements on the River Wensum, its position in rich agricultural land and close proximity to river and sea made it an excellent location for trade.

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Author: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

Address: Suite 391 6963 Ullrich Shore, Bellefort, WI 01350-7893

Phone: +6806610432415

Job: Dynamic Manufacturing Assistant

Hobby: amateur radio, Taekwondo, Wood carving, Parkour, Skateboarding, Running, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.