Norwich Bulletin from Norwich, Connecticut (2024)

r. 7. A KCRWICfl BULLETIN WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 14, T921 11 1 A Bulletin Want Advertisem*nt Will Get It A Bulletin Want Advertisem*nt Will Get It A Want A Bulletin For Sale A Bulletin For Said A Bulletin For Sale Advertisem*nt Will Sell I A Bulletin Want Advertisem*nt Will Get ft Advertisem*nt Will Get It Advertisem*nt Will Sell It "Advertisem*nt Will Sefl It ma WANTED Mai WANTED WANTED MiseeDuMat A-CCTIOH AKCBTTKC-rS WA5TTJB-Clotb pereher and examiner f--r room in woolen mill. $35 vvoek SBVf nig room $36. Charles P.

Raymond Agency, z'! viasmngron ou, Boston. decl'4d WANTED Salesman lor Norwich and New London; sell direct to consumer; 'am $35 to JoO per week. Write W. H. Walker Inst, 647 Hartford, Conn.

I deeild WASTED An experienced paatryman. Address Box 85, Bulletin Office. decl4d LABGK shirt manufacturer want ect to wearer exclusive patterns big values; free samples. Madison Mills. 503 Proadwey, New York.

decl4eoW WANTED Br young man, position as toototeeoer or general office work; beat uf reference. Box 22. care Bulletin. decHWS AGESIS wanted; $3 to $18 daily selling new fibre brooms; every woman will buy sample by parcel post 55 cents, "Wynne Broom Elmira, declJd WANTED Young- man, etenographer-r-ookkeeper and cost accountant. Apply Davis-Warner Arms- Twelfth on canal.

decSd C. S. GOVERNMENT want railway maij clerks; month Hot positions free: write Franklin. Institute, "Dept. Sl-C, Rochester.

N. X. decd LOST AND FOUND STBATED Black and tan hound cam to my borne Sunday. Dec. 4th.

Owner can nave same by claiming- ana paying charges. Edward S. Flynn, antic. Conn. decl2MWS LOST Black and white fox hound, with email amount of tan.

Inform Ik Young. 179 BroadwaV. Tel. 1740. declSa FGNEBAX, DIKECTOKl GEORGE G.

GRANT Undertaker and Embahner 32 PROVIDENCE ST, TAFTV1LLE Telephone v' Ctioimmgs Ring Funeral Directors and Emftalmers 322 Main Street Chamber af Cofnmere Building Phone 23s -2 LaJy Assistant GAGER Funeral Director and Embalmer PROMPT CAY OR SERVICE NIGHT PT1TT tT ft- KTT i1" fflIB HOURiGAN BROS. FUNERAL DIRECTORS Norwich and Jewett Citv The Kenry Allen Son Co. IS MAIN STREET FUNLKAL DiKLCTORS AND LM3ALMERS Assistant I Telephone 410-2 DAY OR NIGHT Shea Burke Funeral Directors 41 Main Street A tom bile Aocsasoarxs CALL at Jonathan Smith's now station, 31 Town St. most convenient place in town for gasoline, and mobiiotts of all grades. aug27d HAVE your tires lUreaded.

look tike new, wear like ow, as good as new. iMom Tire Cc 63 Uain St febt4d RADIATORS BOILING OR DAMAGED REPAIRED AND RECORDED Tested Uirter Air Pratcur AND LAKr-i STRAIGHTENli AND REPA1REI WM. E. SHANLEY 493 MAIN STREET, (East Side) OVERHAULING AND REPAIR WORK OF ALL KINDS Automobiles, Carriages, Wagons, Trucks and Carts Mechanical Rtvars, Painting, Trim, ning, Uphotaarihfl and Weed Work. Blacknaithina in all it braiwftea Scott lilark Cosp.

SC7 TO 015 NORTH MAIN STREET WHEN TOU WANT to put your busi ness before the public, there so medi- kra better than throuzh th' advertising ao-timas cf The WANTED Position sa working: house keeper in family one. Write Box 612, care. Bulletin. decl4d WANTED Oirl far general house work; must, sleep home nights. Phone 316-5.

or call Clapp, 305 Washington 6fc decl3d W1MIB Young girl for general housework very little washing may hom*o at or 6 o'clock; no Sunday work. 308 West Main ANTED Salesladies, wort Co. -v WAfc TED Cook, female, pastry. lis Franklin St, W. Wool-decl3d gofid on plain 88 To BENT Tenements to rent, four and five rooms and modern improvements.

Phone 311. 341 West TO BEST Six-room 'tenement, with ail improvements, steam 'heat, 243 laurel Hill Ave. Inquire 51 Division St. dtcl4d TO BENT A oakery In first class condition, inquire at 125 Franklin St. I decHWFM TO BEST Furnished light housekeeping rooms, Inquire 43 Union St.

decl4d TO BENT Slx-foom flat. 56 BosweHAve. Inquire at uecita TO BENT Six-room Apartment, garage, near Backus Corner Tel. novSod with 259. TO BENT Furnished room for light Housekeeping lor a lady.

Tel. decl2d BTORB to rent, suitable for any kind of business, for the past six years was occupied by a harness maker: rent verV cheap. Apply Max Sternlieb. 3-6-7 Water norwica, onn. xei.

nao. aectfa TO- BENT Heated furnished H. ii King, 16 Laurel HU1 Ave. rooms. dec6d FOB BENT Five-room tenement, 10! High St Telephone 37.

decSd FOB BENT Two tenements at 56 Yanfcic with conveniences. Inquire uownstairs. aecba TO BEN Rooms lor keeping. Phone light house ly8d TO BENT Four rooms, with electric lights. Inquire A.

V. UOVELLO, Phone 1527-3. 198 Cliff St. COB 8aUS-Ueraes FOB SALE 1921 Hupmobile' touring oar, run s.uuu miles, i'jbv; 1921 Rupmo- Diie, uroonstrator, run zoo miles. Cadillac coupe, $30U.

Cail Hopkins uarage, fuinam, Conn. deciud FOB SALE Good farm horse, weight 1.1UV pounus. v. Moran, it. jj.

i-none issb-z-. aecsti -v FOR ALE 1 have 16 Horses that are broken in for all kinds of worx. They are lor sale of trade at nulit pros. Couiu anu ee idem, TeL 636-3. jeJd FOB SALE antemobUef -4- FOB SALE 1S21 -Paige touring car, first class condition no reasonable offer refused terms.

Inquire 40 lictCinlty Ave. declSd -FOB BALE Dodge touring car. with I iruercliatigeaole winter and summer tope. I Tel. 466.

nov22TuTliS -A- Cadillac standard lim- i ousme, laiS, usme, newly painted and over hauled, A-l condition. Inqjlre Majestiti Uarase. Tel. 1S58. For saie cheap.

FOB HALE 1921 Hupmobile touring car. run miles. 1921 Hupmobile, tieniraistrator, run 200 nliles, $1,200 CH.liiac coupe, 1914, 300. Call Hopkins iitrajre, Putnam, Conn. deci2d FOB' SALE Big Buick 6 touring car In jfood condition.

Phone 1094-12 or in-ouiie at Tattvillo Public Garage. deelOd FOB SALE 1920 Dodge touring car, first class condition, run less than 8,000 miles. Inquire Amos Wheeler. Tei. 1772 after 5 p.

m. decSd FOB SALE 1916 Cadillac with limousine top, newly painted and overhauled, also Hummer top price reasonable, quick sale, narty leaving town. Tel. 645. dee2d FOB 8 ALE Great bargain, Cadillac brougham, newly painted, in perfect condition, mileage less than 8,000.

Inquire Dr. Higgins. nov30d STEAMSHIPS SEABOARD- AIR LINE A I L.W A FLOR1 DA AH Eat and West Coast Besorts. Also Pinehurst and Sputhern Fines, N. C.

Camden, S. CM Savannah and Brunswick, Cifc Steel Trains Superior Dining Car Servh Leave New York daily 2.06 P. M. and 12.30 Midnight. Convenient Arriving Time in the South.

Atlanta Birmingham and Southwest SEABOARD FLORIDA LIMITED All Pullmans Jan. 2d to 1922, leaving New York 6.20 P. M. with through Sleepers to East and West Coast- Resorts. Club and Observation Care.

Apply for Booklets, "Wintering in the South," ''Hunting and Fishing in the South," "Golf and Other Sports" (with Dates of Golf and Tennis Tournaments), -Time Tables Reservations and Information. S. B. MURDOCK, G. E.

P. A. 143 West 42d New Torit, x. T. Washington Office 714 14tl St.

JT, W. To New York NEW LONDON LINE Steamer Lvs. New London 11 p. m. daily except Sunday.

BOOKBINDING JOSEPH'BRADFORD 108 Broadway lank Books Mads and Ruled to Order BUILDING WILLIAM C. YOCSG, Contractor and Balider, MiU Work and Jobbing. 50 West Mcln Si. Pbeo PU. dec2d WHEN' IOC WANT to put your bust- XnTZ.

"nTJrViZ. ness before the public, there is no medi- edamM of The Eulleti. live- turkeys and dycl4d WANTED To buy a Jersey red boa pig. Address replies P. O.

Box 724, New Irtrndoa. decl4d WASTED Second hand household antique furniture, china, rare jKwks and pictures, glassware, etc; highest cash prices. Louis Ward, SO-33 Water Morwioh. jy20FMW WATED-i-A large crowd at the variety supper at the Preston City Baptist church Wednesday evening, Dec. 14.

duo) 3d BEGLXAB DINNEB, 30o; Off th square, Jbut on the. level. Uncas Lunoh, lia Franklin St. deol3d "WANTED Threo or four furnished rooms for light housekeeping. Phone aeciva j.

WANTED Boiler and engine, S5 horse power, state size, number tubes and diameter of firebox and if open Write F. B. Stanley, North Stonington, Oonn. decl0d NICE Xmas boxes of cigars. Cigarettes and tobacco.

We'v got sum ntoe pipes, too jest luk us up, opp. Wooiworth's 6 and 10, fa*gan's Smoke Shop, 16 Main St. dieclOd WANTED To buy a cheap farm, any location. Address H. Box 454.

Putnam, Conn. dec5d WANTED Small office sf; tnuet be in good condition. M. Lewis, 161 Main Street. deo3d WANTED Concrete walks to build work guaranteed If work is not satisfactory, no charge made.

James Fumi-guaro, 123 Oakridge St- Phone 62T-5, liov 1 7d WANTED Raw furs, it A. Heeb-ner's, every Thursday. A. C. Bennett.

nov8d WE BUY and pay highest prices for second hand furniture and booka, Kremens, successor to King, 43-60 Water St. Phone 38-2, Bepl2d. WANTED 100 farms or catalogue, 10 acres up, with or without stock; give full particulars in first letter as to prio. siae, location and terms. P.

O. Box 106, Jewett City. Conn. Jy22d WANTED We pay highest prices for second hand furniture. Norwich Furniture Breed Bldg.

Tel. 1314-3. buy, sell and exchange. Jelld FURNITURE.1 STOVESrHOUSEHOLD GOODS of all kinds, old books, picture, bottles, glassware, etc wanted for cash, anywhere in eastern' Conn, Ward Bros, 46 Jackson -Street, Willi-mantic, Conn, Phone 632-3. WANTED.

-H. B. TIOEB, 65 Franklin Second Hand and Aatiquo Fnfnitare, Tel. 711-3. PHYSICIANS KOPLAND K.

MABKOFF, M. D. EYE; EAR, NOSiS AND THROAT 103-104. Thayer Bldg. Tel.

179 INSTJBANCE Why Not Give Him (or Her) An insurance roiicy for a Christmas Remembrance? Any information cheerfully given by Harold S. Burt, Insurance Agent, 120 Laurel Hill Avenue. Phone. 598-3. IT MAY MEAN YOU You be the next victim of a fire Don't take chances.

The small annual premium is negligible to the firm protection from money loss-Ht affords. Take out a policy to day. Isaac S. Jones INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE AGENT RICHARDS BUILDING r91 MAIN STREET PLUMBING SUPPLIES PLCSIBINU. heating, gatrattmg and general repairing.

John Morton, 29 Margery St. Tel. 693-32. novSld PLUMBING AND GASF1TTINO. CONXBACTOBS JOBBERS, i'lumbius and Beating.

JOHN BLLM. Breed Buidinc Fhos PHONE 58-3. The very best plumbing oy expert workmen at the fairest prices is guaranteed; also heating-and gasnttlng, JOHN F. TOMPKINS, 3 Wcet Man St. ENRIGHT McMAHON Plumbing, Heating, Tinning and Stove Repairs SATISFACTORY SERVICE Phone 716-4 32 6TH STREET C1GABS TOBACCO WHOLESALE' AND RETAIL We carry a complete line of Domestic and Imported Cigars.

A. ME FEB. Successor to JOHN B. BOWMAN, 116-118 W. Main Norwich, Conn.

for-Half a Century) CIOABB tt'fcitfiitjne Cig.r sare $70 per thousand t. F. COttAJiX. 11 -avaaklte TBTJCKIHO GEOBGB LAMBEBX, Occum, teaming, moving and trucking. Tel.

t17-12. jyid GCS LAMBEBT, No. 31V Main St Mov.nt and uucking. I'el. 287-k.

0. D. JOSLYN. S93 West Main St. We move everything anywhere.

Special attention- given to moving boilers and machinery. TeL 708-3. ep5d Long Distance Movlnc an4 ExpreMlns. Zimmerman, 17 Bosweli Ave, Tel. 1458.

TEAMING ana moving, long distance trucking a specialty. John H. Ford, Main tL Phone 752. O. B.

BBOMLET SON, Shetuoket St. Phone 335 LONG DISTANCE MOVING. TEAMING AND TRUCKING done very promptly and at reasonable pricM. ARTHUR H. LATHROP Shetuoket Street Phone 17i CCSOWOBISX A.

6. TBOilPiiOa. F. S. Chiropodist, Foot Specialist (protect your feet).

Suits J-, Alice 321 Main St. Norwich. Coon. Pnone 1366-t. lansld COAX A 3TB WOOD COAX seasosea wood and kindlings la large or small quantiuea Phone 64 at USo-i.

R. Shaoiro. Willow EU formerly DANCING N. H. BJEVT.

Instructor, odd Wttrnvn HalL Phone 1996 or 40L Private lessons daily. Evening Med7s and WANTED To buy-geese Phone 11, SAY FT WITH CARATS TO HER THIS CHRISTMAS DIAMONDS pr gold give her some tiling that she can keep all the Christ" mases of her life, Gifts of jewelry, because of their intrinsic value and enduring sentiment, are especially appropriate at this season of the year. It may be a plain but distinctive pin or a more expensive wrist-watch or ring but if it's jewelry, it's sure to carry a message of true affection to your wife, your sweetheart or your mother. All sorts of irtistic pieces of jewelry buckles, lavallieres, watches, brooches, rings simple or elaborate are described and priced in the Christmas Gift Suggestions columns in today's Shop the Classified Way Buy Now and by Then your Christmas, be Complete FOB BALE FOB 6 ALB Automobile dealers, repairmen, real estate fanciers and others take notice. We offer lor immediate sale, on the most favorable terms, one of the best equipped and most up-to-date automobile businesses and parcels of real estate ever offered to the public in New England.

Property is located on Slater Jewett City, on a Well paved state road, and consists Of a tract of land 200 feet wide by S00 feet deep, also five main buildings, one being 66x30 feet, three stories and basem*nt, which' is used for show room -for cars, parts room, accessory store, office and storage, being well laid but for these different departments. Another -building. 80x27 feet, with cement Boor, is used at the present time as a garage and repair shop. Another building, feet, three for storage another storage shed, 150x30 feet, and one 16x36. There are also several smaller buildings and a dwelling house, 2 1-2 with all modern conveniences.

These buildings are all equipped with electric lights, and three of the main buildings with- steam heat. There is a large court between the buildings paved with water-bound macadam. An enormous business is' done yearly and the accounts may be seen by purchaser tosjrove same. The entire agency- for Studebaker cars, one of the best sellers on the market, Is Included. For further information apply to Burdick McNicoL Room 113, Thayer Norwich, and Jewett City, Cor.n.

decl4d FOB BALE The best building lot in the city, size and location considered. Ask Frank A. Bill, 312 Thayer Bidg, Phones li16 or 1211-2. decl4d 9185.00 buys a beautiful mahogany 65-note player piano; good tone and fine condition; terms to suit. The Plaut-Cad- aen (ja, Norwich, octixw buys a fine square Chickoring piano, bea.ui.iful tone and in good condition; make your.

own terms ye will take thiB piano In trade at fun prire any time within three years in exchange for an upright piano or player. The Plaut-Cad-den Norwich, Conn. octl2W 960.80 buys a fine Decker Bros, upright piano free stool and scarf terms, 115 cash and $6 per month. The Plaut-Cadden Co. (Known for quality and service since 1872), Norwich, Conn.

octl2W FOB SALE Farm of about 150 acres, -about 2 1-2 miles from Sterling Depot; wood and timber $2,000. B. W. Daniel-son, Moosup, Conn. nov30WS FOB SALE Fifty spring -Telephone 111-5 Jewett City.

chickens, decl3d FOB ALE Barber flxtrwes. Inquire of SA. Main, R. F. D.

No. 2, Mystic, or Phone 56-2, Mystic Div. decl3d FOB SALE Thoroughbred White Leghorn roosters, for breeding purposes. A. Main, R.

F. D. 2, Mystic, or Phone- decl3d FOR SALE Carload Vermont cows. James H. Hyde, North' Franklin, Conn.

Lebanon 30. FOB SALE Belgian hares, full grown. Telephone 1884-14. decl3d FOB SALE New Ohio No. 9 fodder shrefidar, for hand or power, been ueed two hours, Works well, J35 pair twin steers, '3 years- old next spring, $125.

E. H. West Willington, a- F- D- No- 1- decl3d FOB SALE Belgian hares, full grown. Telephone 1884-14. declOd i A BEAL BCV a beautiful Kimball 1 upright piauo for $285 easy terms.

The piaui-uaaaen tjompacy, uonn. $15.06 buys a beautiful toned Mc-Carninon upright piano in walnut case; easy terms. The Plaut-Cadden Company, Norwich, Conn. A NEWSY EVANS upright piano for $190 quick sale easy terms granted. The Pla.u8Cadden Company, Norwich, Conn.

oot22d FOB SSALE Wood, chestnut, stove lengths, -ft hard wStjoy sawed, four ft. lengths, $10. Tel. 165-3. Con stance Beauregard.

decl2d FOB SALE Hard wood, it per cord. delivered. Telephone 1076-13. decl2d SSS.OO buys a line upright piano: S20 down, $2 weekly. The Talking Machine Shop.

24 Franklin Square. decOd VICTBOLA. Style 80, latest 1922 model, equipped with all improvements, $100 $1 down. SI per week, on ciub plan. The Talking Machine Shop, 24 Franklin Square.

decSd FOB SALE One kitchen range. Inquire Mrs. Wuttkey, 115 Roath St. decSd FOB SALE Farm, two and one-half miles from Danielson, will keep six cows, one horse; buildings in first class shape; houses for 100 hens; never-failing water to pasture and house, R. F.

telephone service a beautiful one-man farm. Address Mrs. Joseph W. Warren, Klllingly. D.

No. 2. Te! 81-12. decSd FOB SALE -Stove parts for all makes of stovee. Bring name of stove and number.

New London. Salesroom, .16 Water Norwich. Conn. TeL 1703-2. sepid BEAUTIFUL baby grand Sonera phonograph, regular $275, special -for quick sale $175 yeasy terms granted.

Plaut-Cs-dden Company, Norwich, Cenn. PRINTING PBINTING of all kinds promptly and aeatly done. Estimates promptly and cheat fully given. The Bulletin xiflM FOB EALX. RESIDENCE FOR SALE.

8-room house, Norwich Town, near carlihe, large lot, $4,000. 7- room bouse with all Improvements, near business section, $4,000. 8- room house, art modern conveniences and good garage; in fine-esi-dental section, $8,000 owner leaving Norwich. Many other good properties- and the best house lots' in Norwich. ARCHAW.

COIT Real Estate and Insurance Telephone 1234 63 Broadway FOR SALE COTTAGE HOCSE OF SEVEN BOOM8 AND BATH, NEAB LINCOLN -AVE. --I. -PB1CE IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. APPLF TO JAMES L. CASE Telephone 876 40 Shetucket St, FOR SALE PIANO BOXES $3.00 EACH The Plaut-Cadden Co.

FOB SALE. A farm of 160 acres, 70 icres of tillable and 90 acres ot woodland and pasture, 75 good apple trees, good bathing, and icehous rented for S7E 1 house of 13 rooms, pump at sink, always xo-cow. uarn, cnicken houses, gar a.Mu uuiminga. xnjs tarm is a bargain live miles from Norwich. For million uellB.

call CLABENCE SUOLES, Tel. 1380. MS West Thames St. FOR SALE Two-apartment house, with all im provements and In pink of condition, choice location, with large yard for gar- iiLoi ui city xuust u6 seen to FBANCIS D. novSd iDONOHTJE, Central BnUdinc, The Best Bargain This Seaon 55 acres, abundance asparagus, raspberries, strawberries and other fruits.

b-room Cottage, large Barn, buildings excellent, 11-2 miles manufacturing village. TRYON'S AGENCY VYillimantio FOB SALE On Tantic car line, 10-room house in good Condition, with outbuildings and 16 acres of land very desirably located. This property can be had at a very reasonable price a. great chance for the right party. For further particulars, inquire pf JOHN A.


-Norwich. Cwnn. Paul A. Schwartz, D. M.

D. DENTAL AND ORAL SURGEON (ON THE SQUARE) Somers Building Tel Office Hours: 9 A. M. 6 And by Appointment 774 M. HOTXLS HOUSE, D.

Morrlsaey. Prep. Virst class garage service connected. Phone. Shetucket St DEL-HOFF HOTEL, Znropean plan, Hayes Props, Telephone 1211.

14-28 Sreadwsjr. WITTER BROS. Auctioneers Office and Salesrooms. 42 Alain. Street, Danielson.

AUCTION TBVK8DAV. DEC. 15, 1M1, 10 e'cleck a. Ki. By virtue of an order from the Probate Court of the Town of Killing-ly, I will sell the following described property belonging to the -estate of the late Joseph W.

Warren, at the farm and residence, located about two and one-quarter miles northeast from Danielson via ttashentuck road, and about two miles east from the trolley depot at Klmvllle via Mashentuck road leading to Chestnut Hill. COWS, POILTBT, ETC. One finH cias, rrliahle. farm and family mare, an extra good driver, safe ana so 3 good Jersey fam ily cows. 01 no le new miich about 35 head of R.

Red hens 1 first class one-horse lumber wagon, perfect in every way 1 extra good two-seat democrat wagon, I nearly new' Corning carriage, 1 nearly new surrey harness, 2 second hand harnesses, 1 set of collar and ha men 1 one-horse mower. 1 one-horse sled, 1 one-horse drag. 1 sleigh. 1 grindstone, 1 nearly new wheelbarrow, cords Oak wood, 1,800 pounds- coal, 2,000 feet very, good chestnut plank. 1 odd lot of lumber.

3 ladders, lot of carpenter's brackets, 3 bundles of shingles, 1 lot of chains, butter cnum, stamps, paddles, carpenter's toois, coooiers tools, forks, noes, rakee, scythes, and so On. 10 TONS OF HAT 5 BUSHELS POT ATOFS flOCS.EHOLD GOODS One Glonwood ranie with hot nt reservoir (this is an extra good stove), 1 reingeraior. 1 siaeooara. 1 oak ex tension table, 1 walnuVextension table. 1 oat bookcase with glass doors, a large collection of chairs.

Including easy ana upngm cnairs, rocxers, mor rs chair, dininer chairs, etc. 1 hair cloth parlor set with walnut center table, mirrors, clocks, nicrfurv. v- erai extra good Brussels and ingrain carpets. 2 neany new parlor Glenwood wood heaters. 1 coal heater, 1 ask chamber set complete.

1 oak chamber set, 1 painted chamber set. sDiines. mattresses, pillows and feather beds, wash bench, and tubs, plenty of crock ery and a useful variety of cooking uujuwiQ, curuima, etc AUCTIONEER'S STATEMENT: This should be a nifhlv Mtrartim sale tor persons who are desirous of purcnasmg tarm tools or household goods that are in the best possible condition. This lot of personal property in one of the cleanest and best that we have been commissioned te sell for some time. THE BEAL ESTATB -will be offered tor eale at 2 o'clock p.

m. This is one of the nicest little 50-acre farms that, stands in Windham county. Every building In the pink of condition, including a medium sized house, cow barn, yagon shed, wood shed and hen houses. Plenty of wood, fruit trees and other valuable assets. Don't fail to look over this proposition.

If decidedly stormy, postponed to the first fair week day following Terms cash. Caterer in attendance -MRS. -EVA L. -BATON, Administratrix of Estate. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO WHOM IT MAT CONCERN: Upon an application received from Gilbert J.

Murray 'of the Towri ot Colchester to the Selectmen ot said -Town, the Mint being as follows: "To the Selectmen of the Town of Colchester: You are hereby requested te make a survey and establish the boundaries on a section of land situated on the corner of Hall Hill road and the New London turnpike, now belonging to me. Signed Gilbert J. ana to comply watn tne a-oove request have drawn a map ot said roads and said Murray's land, with corner in question marked, survey of which has been made, and taken from straight lines of old orig inal stone wans on eaia roaas, ana coming to a point on eaid corner ot said Murray's lot, said corner being the one in question. This map and survey may be seen at Town Clerk's, Office, Colchester, Contu, and for the purpose of hearing all parties Interested we will be at Selectmen's Office on Saturday, Dec 31st, from o'clock a. m.

till 1 o'clock p. where all parties may be heard under oath in regard to such re-establishment. SAMUEL M' DONALD, Selectmen of the Town of Colchester. CL Colchester, oec, 12th, 192L dccl4d NOTICE FOR SALE: By order of the Honorable Cburt of Probate for the District of Nor wich, I will the interest of Charles Mueller, late of Norwich, In said District, deceased, in the real estate situate on the easterly side of Reynolds street. In said Norwich, and being fully described In the application to sell on file in Clonrt I For more particular description, see said application.

JOHN SPINNLER, Appointee. decl4d NOTICE TO CBEDITOBS. AT A coil. I UK III kt Norwich, witli-o fur lite listric of Norwich, on the 13th day of December, A. D.

1921. j. Judge E3tate of Anders Nilson, lata of Norwich, in said District, deceased. Ordered, That the Executrix cite the creditors ot said deceased to bring in their claims against said estate within six iiionins fioni Hub uaiie. uy iHMiing a aotlce to that effect, together with a copy this -lie signpost nearest te Ihe place where said deceased last dwelt, and In the same Town, nd by pub'lshiug the same once th a newspaiwr having said District, and make return to this Court.

NELSON J. ATLING. Judge. The shore and foregoing la a unc copy record. Attest: HELEM M.

Clerk. NOTICE. All creditors of said deceased are hereby notilK-d to iircnt thir claims against said estate 10 the under, signed at 252 Prospect St, Norwich, within the time limited in the aBovo and foregoing order. ANNA ULMETt, decl4d Executrix. AT -A- C'OUBT OF PROBATE HELD at Montville, within and for the-District of Montville.

on the 12th day cf December. A. D. 121. DAN D.

HOME. Judge. Estate of Walter J. Burllngame. late of Montville, in said DlstrictJeceased.

Arthjr Bnrlmgame of appeared in Court and Hied a petition praying, for the reasons therein set forth, that administration upon said estate, alleged to be intestate, may be granted. Whereupon, It Is Ordered, That said petition be heard and determined at the Probate Court Room in Montville, in said District on the ltfth day of December, A. D. 1921, trt' 2 o'clock in the afternoon, and that no-ice of the pendency of said petition, and vf said hearing theron. be- given by the awblicatlon of this ordur one time in The Norwich Bulletin, a newspaper havlug a circulation In said District, at least three days prior to the date of said hearing, and that return be made to this Court.

DAN D. HOME, Judge. The above and foregoing is a true copy of, record. Attest SUSAN T. HOME, deem Clerk.

CCDWOBTH THOMPSON ABCH1TECTS Xhs-m BeiUtac Xerwlafc. Con. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE rO CREDITORS. AT A COIKT Or PROBATE fTKLD at Norwich, within and the Distrlcl of Norwlciii on the 13th day" of December Prwent NELSON 1. Judge.

Estate of Hannah Nileon. late of Norwich, in said District, deceased. Ordered. That the Adminimrarrix cif the creditors of said to bring ir Iheir c.fc..ns agamst said eetat wthl-it rrontlif from Ibis dtte, by posting t.olice to that eileet. together jrtth a vxp ft this order, on 1 signpost Bekoet tc the place where said deceased iart tfwe! and In the same Town, and b-r pubushinr the same once in a newspaper having circulation in said District, and make return to Court.

NELSON J. AYLIXG. Judge. The above and toregoins is true cory recoid. Attest liELEN M.

DRESCfclEH. Clerk. XOTICE. All creditors of skid d-teawd are hereby notified to present then t.a!n-ia against said estate to the undersigned at 22 Prrspect Norwich within the time limited in t. auwvo ua loregcuig order.

ANNA CLMEk, Administratrix. declld AT A COCBT OF PROBATE HXLE at North Stonington, within and for t- District of North Stonington. on the 10tl day of December, A. D. 1921 Present CHARLES C.

Judge. Ertate of Martha P. Norman, late ef North Stonington, in said District, deceased. The Administrator exhibited his administration account with said estate to thi Court for allowance; it is therefore Ordered, That the 17th day of December, A. D.

1921. at 11 o'clock In the forenoon, at the Probate Court Room in North Stonington, in said District, be. and the same Is, appointed for hearing- the same, and the said Administraiar is directed to give notje thereof by publishing this order once In The Norwich Bulletin, a newspaper having a circulation In said District, and by posting a copy hereof on, the public signpost lr said Town of North Stonington nearest where said deceased last dwelt, at least three days prior to the date of amid hearing, and make return to the Court. The above and foregoing is a true cour ot record. CHARLES C.

GRAT. decl4d Judge. THAMES IS PBONOUSCED TO BHTME WITH JAXES la his dictionary Mr. Webster cars that the name of river which gives New London a harbor and which the crewa of Tale and Harvard have made famous should be pronounced as if it rhyme ti with James. This is good auUwrity, yec it does Dot appear have been strong enough to prevent Thames Hall at be tit* Connecticut College tor Wometr-from being spoken of as Temz halL So tne the Interested clUsena ot New London who clings to the old or native style wrote recently to th United States Coast sod Geodetic Survey in the hope of getting an official opinion on the question.

He described how New Londoner pronounce Thames street and the Thames club the city te rhyme wttn James, and then cited the case of Thames, alias Tntnt hall, the dormitory at the college. This last pronunciation, he ohonght, was due to the fact the the first president of the college, in whose administration theball was built was of English or Canadian descent and consequently- preferred Eng lish style. He himself admitted a prejudice In favor of Thames but said that H-Temz were uobela there, is no alterna tive except- to climb over to the other side ol rtie The Survey, however, agree with film unequivocally. The name Thames." It says, applied to three river, on England, ne hi Cenadn, trtbotary to Lake-St. Clair, and the one In Connasti- cut.

The pronunciation- of the first two is as If spelled Terns that In Connecticut is oronounced exactly as spelled- This usage is sustained by Webster's International Dictionary and Llpplncott's Gaset--teer." New Londoners and ewerr rr3 aative, cf Connecticut wiH eay "Amen!" to this dictum. Thames Is a month filling and vigorously American. Terns may; do well enough in England and Canada -but here It Is an affectttion. New London-! school teachers nave always so regaroeA. it and have -resisted all attempts made toward its 'recognition.

Bummer visitors and other transients may say Tenia, hut. whenever they do they give themteJvc away to the natives en quickly and niably as an American to France tryfnt to pronounce the word -roe" In tfs French manner. Let it be added that, in. the New London version the Is nor silent. The Surrey's statement slfcti'd raekt tU impress on the Imported faculty of tS-e Connecticut co*kege 'for Women to the etsv tent of an order directing that the Pv nunciatlon of the name of Thames eha'i hereafter "onform to the American style.

Incidentally, it seems like an opporwrnn' time to settle also the question If whether: the city at the head of the river Should bt called Norwich, as it is spelled, or rich. Division on this sub jet is sharper: than in the case of Thames sr sharp, tny deed that careful visitors avoid rassment ot "beine: poU'ely corrected 0-'; 1 reproved, by speaking of the city as the; I. VmMUi. Rose of New England. Providence Jour nal.

STATE BOABD WANTS SAMT.9. Or BLIND OF THE TOWNS 1 The state board of education of the' blind, with an office at Room 74. state I capitoi, Hartford, is sending blanks to the; relectmen in each of the 168 towns Inj this state asking them to send in of those who are blind, or so, in their town. The 'state board de-' sires this information that it may help people who have lost their sigot in the best wayposeible. The scope of this board has heen en-, larged so that it is now able Jojlo some-, thing to bring comfort and weil being to a larger nnmber of children and adults than before.

The children are sent to a-special school and. as they "approach' adult life, are taught a trade and later; are helped to secure employment The-adults, both men and women, can also be sent to a trade school and. after they have learned a trade, the state board -will help them to get employment If they, are capable. For the adults who are get-; ting old, or for those who cannot leave1 their homes for one reason or state board has home teachers, who are themselves hliml. who can be sent tor the homa to teach them to read wlthj their fingers and to do remunerative wortf with their hands.

In every ease the ex-' pense of any ot this work is met by the state. The state board is also able to help n- fortunate or struggling blind people in-' other ways. It will co-operate In every possible way to aid a person who. has lost hlieir sight or who finds their sight growing dim Phys'cians are Invited to refer cases to this boanL at the above address, and mdividua's are urged to write to the board if thry ere blind mt are losing their sight. E.

Percy Anastreng Ceausiaoder Capt E. Percy Armstrong, who was chosen commander ot Corp. Coyte Plst American Legion, at Waterhury Saturday night. Is a native of Norwich and went to Waterbury 11 years aso to enter the era-) ploy of Seovul ManljfaoUirtng Co. He served to the erdmeoeie ctrns storing he 1.

Norwich Bulletin from Norwich, Connecticut (2024)


What was Norwich CT famous for? ›

Norwich became the commercial, transportation, and manufacturing hub of the region. Norwich was rocked by the controversy over slavery prior to the Civil War. David Ruggles, a key figure in the Underground Railroad, was raised in Norwich.

How much does the Norwich Bulletin cost? ›


Our focus at has always been on the communities where we live and work. You can play a vital role in supporting local journalism, journalism that you and your community can trust.

Is Norwich CT rural or urban? ›

Norwich, Connecticut
Urban123.1 sq mi (318.7 km2)
Elevation56 ft (17 m)
Population (2020)
• City40,125
34 more rows

Why live in Norwich CT? ›

Norwich is an ancient town filled with rich history, diversity, and community. Norwich free academy, one of the major high schools in Norwich was founded 1854. Here they offer a tremendous academic and athletic program for students in preparation for a collegiate experience or trade.

What is the nickname of Norwich CT? ›

Norwich first got its nickname Rose City after preacher Henry Ward visited its gardens in 1850, according to Connecticut Explored. Ward hailed the city as “The Rose of New England." Veterans Memorial Rose Garden in the city's Mohegan Park has over 2,500 rose bushes in 120 varieties, according to Norwich's website.

What did Norwich used to be called? ›

The Anglo-Saxons settled the site of the modern city some time between the 5th and 7th centuries, founding the towns of Northwic ("North Farm"), from which Norwich takes its name, and Westwic (at Norwich-over-the-Water) and a lesser settlement at Thorpe.

Who owns the Norwich Bulletin newspaper? ›

The Bulletin (Norwich)
TypeDaily newspaper
Headquarters10 Railroad Place Norwich, Connecticut 06360 United States
Circulation6,560 (as of 2018)
2 more rows

How do I cancel the Norwich Bulletin? ›

You can cancel at any time by calling Customer Service at 1-860-887-5582.

How much does it cost to go to Norwich Free Academy? ›

That high increase was due to making up for the flat budget increase from FY21. The per student tuition total for FY25 for Norwich is $14,981 and $15,181 for the partner districts, Quesnel said. These tuition percentage increases are competitive compared to other schools in the area.

Is Norwich, CT a nice town? ›

Norwich is a quaint city on the eastern side of the state. Known as the “Rose of New England” for its beauty and rolling hills that resemble rose petals. Mohegan Park is Norwich's largest park with numerous biking, hiking, walking trails as well as picnic tables, pavilions and a beach front.

What is the race population in Norwich CT? ›

Norwich Demographics

White: 68.34% Black or African American: 10.8% Two or more races: 8.92% Asian: 7.19%

What is the crime rate in Norwich, Connecticut? ›

Norwich Annual Crimes
Number of Crimes121667
Crime Rate (per 1,000 residents)3.0216.67

What is Norwich, Connecticut famous for? ›

Norwich is the birthplace of the Revolutionary War traitor Benedict Arnold. It is also the site of Leffingwell Inn, a gathering place for patriots during the Revolutionary War, and the Indian Burial Grounds for members of the Mohegan Indian tribe, including the subchief Uncas.

What is the poverty rate in Norwich CT? ›

13.1% of the population for whom poverty status is determined in Norwich, CT (5.18k out of 39.6k people) live below the poverty line, a number that is higher than the national average of 12.5%.

Is it expensive to live in Norwich? ›

A three-bedroom apartment in the city centre costs an average of £1,600 per month, which means that you and your friends can live in the heart of town for around £570 each per month in rent. If you're living in a shared house, you'll want to budget around £95 per person per month for utilities.

Is Norwich, CT a good place to live? - The ...The Connecticut Explorer ›

With the increased cost of living, some current and future Connecticut residents may be looking for a more affordable place to call home. One city that's of...
Best Places to Live | Compare cost of living, crime, cities, schools and more.
Norwich is a quaint city on the eastern side of the state. Known as the “Rose of New England” for its beauty and rolling hills that resemble rose petals. Mohega...

What is Norwich most known for? ›

Britain's most easterly city also has a vibrant cultural scene, with annual festivals and some notable modern architecture – it's been recognized as a UNESCO City of Literature. Must-sees include the majestic Norwich Cathedral and the imposing Norman castle, as well as over 30 medieval churches.

What are some fun facts about Norwich? ›

10 Surprising Facts About Norwich
  • Second largest city in Tudor England. ...
  • Norwich is the only English city located in a national park. ...
  • Norwich was first to be pedestrianised. ...
  • A pub for every day of the year x 2. ...
  • Norwich City FC's club song is oldest in UK. ...
  • Alan Partridge is from Norwich. ...
  • Colman's mustard is from the city.
May 3, 2022

Why is Norwich, CT called the Rose of New England? ›

A rose garden is a fitting tribute to Norwich, known as “The Rose City.” It got that name after famed preacher Henry Ward Beecher visited about 1850 and admired the gardens there, calling it “The Rose of New England,” as the story was told in the Norwich Bulletin.

Is Norwich the most complete medieval city? ›

Norwich is the most complete medieval city in England. During the Roman conquest of Britain the Celtic Iceni tribe occupied East Anglia. Boudicca, a fiercely strong, independent woman led an uprising against the Romans which sadly failed.

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