Norwich Bulletin from Norwich, Connecticut (2024)

NORWICH BULLETIN. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 1919 6 WESTERLY The modern ambulance for the We8terly Sanitary corps will soon arrive and be in readiness for ervice in i mergency cases, or in others when required. It will be available' in time of need to convey the Sick, and injured to hospitals in Providence, Norwich and New London, and possibly be the means of saving lives. In the past, persons injured have been held for hours awaiting -railroad transportation lor hosV'al treatment and deaths haev resulted through the unavoidable delay. With.i-this arabu- lance at hand the people are reminded again of the actual need for a hospital in Westerly.

There is a sub- stantial nucleus for a -hospital given hy the late Mrs. William Hoxsey, and some people in Westerly Believe it is about time for a campaign to raise a fund for the establishment anjl the maintenance of a hospital. This object could be accomplished provided the project is started, and it has been proposed that the Westerly Board of Trade take this important matter under consideration. Westerly- is noted forgoing over the top in all drives for worthy purposes, and the people undoubtedly would willingly mako substantial contribu- rions for this laudable ana wormy local enterprise. jj "Harry, the Plumber," as Sir.

Card-well is gem-rally known, while at the Klks' fair, was' handed a fine gold-mounted, diamond-studded. Elk's ilarri is not an EiK. ine too.n to J5.825.7fi, or Ji25.76 -above the allotted, quota. I Dwight Stillman will leave Westerly today (Tuesday) and will spend (the rest of the' winter- at his home in Daytona, Fla. i Sixteen chickens stolen from The Oaks hennery, on' the Shore road; Friday night "Westerly will be represented at, the Tale-Erincetph football game in New Haven' Saturday.

I Many members, of NewiLondon lodge of Elks were guests. of their Westerly brethren Monday night: The civil action on a book account of Adams and Howard against Joseph Bookstaub, was before Justice Byron J. Beckham Monday. Judgment was rendered for plaintiff, who was represented by Attorney Roches JEWETT CITY Riverside Grammar school observes Armistice Day this (Tuesday 1 afternoon at 1 o'clock with public exercises. Henry Bicknell.

who is stationed at Camp'iferritt. was at home Sunday. Mr. asd Mrs. Herbert Hurst and family have moved to Shepherd Hill, Watir'esan, where Mr.

Hurst will be employed on the Brown farm. Today (Tuesday is the last, day of the Bed Cross membership drive. It -would hep those at the headquarters If the receipts were sent', in during the afternoon-. very few window card. uu orfmirri tiv a vount woman who are.

displayed, for some reason. Mrvea Harry in a local restaurant, Mr. and Mrs. Cifford Langais were iind forthwith the ownership changed, surprised on their tenth' wedding an-llarry got into the sugar game and niverws by a visit from relatives and became possessbr of a lOU-pound bag friends from Norwich. Plainfield, of the coveted sweetness.

He sold the Providtnce and Jewett City. Every --ugar to a man from Narragansett brought gifts. among which 1'ier, together with smaller parcels were twenty-five, dollars. Refresh-f sugar, and all to the value of $17. I (nenta served by the.

family. The pier man placed the-sui-ar in, Irs 1 The Sisters at St. Mary's parochial aatomobfi. ana" returned to the tuir. school received an official visitation When was ready -for -the home- Monday from Mother St.

Charles, the rip he dU that the bag of Ml- provincial of the Sisters of the I-Foly Bar had been purloined. Ghost. It is the loser 8 belief that the lei- Miss Bertha Sayies returned to low who stole his sugar is probably home on Ekohfc Sunday afternoon. Hie aamft Chun wlio operaieu air spentli.ig a wfpk wita ner aim 0 a a 0 a I 342 WASHINGTON STREET Offer Remarkable Values In Household Linens With the curtailed manufacture of linens abroad and with the extraordinary demand far linens for the many hew homes about to opened, it seems certain that linen prices will remain high for seme time. With stocks new on hand an exceptional opportunity is afforded to purchase.

Table Napkins from $7.50 dozen. Table Cloths from $6.50 each. Lunch Cloths, hand hemstitched, from $7.00, Tray Cloths, hand embroidered, from 50c. Towels, hemstitched, from 90c pair. Bath Towels, from 50c each.

Kitchen Toweling, 27c yard. Jap. Lunch Sets, $1.50. So great will be the demand for these linens that the stacks may be exhausted before the end of the month. So we must reserve the right to close the sale and withdraw the prices as soon as these linens are sold.

No store rents permit low prices, this out and talked it over at hame? ve you ever thought drink and Killed a on the Stonington road," and sped on! without investigating the seriousness the mishap. Rev. Roy C. Helfenstein, of 1 prcariied two sermons Supdaj at ihe Broad Street Christian church, on i The of the Church and The Real Measuu of Iteliglon. He a graduate of Vale and 'wtiilv a there Breached in Xew England puplits.

lias been select-. for special work fn the interest ol he forward movement in aid of which I Me denomination- pn-poseM und of II At the )- hurch JllOii was pledged as the i.or the fund to be aii Westerly. Local Laoontca, Two Henrys "have been stolen from esterly within a week, Exaggerated rfffl. pt tires Past gave Westerly a reputation of a big tire town. 1 Three competent pastors are needed 11 Westerly to fill two vacancies and the one soon to ronp Westerly, many other enterprising town, is endeavoring tor taTutldli of tV housing itfob- 1 Sweet elder tains' (Vs.

sweetness in Westerly-, apparently. tftSn in an--- otlu-r place in t-tnoue isinti. The present board of town coun- ilmen is the lirst to be elected for a term of tw-o years under the new law The Westerly school "committee, highway commission and the' assessor of taxes, are now elected for, terms of six years each. far hence the ten years' exemp-ion from taxation will he lifted from the Bradford Ilyeins association. Then at concern will he Westerly's largest taxpayer.

The members of the new town council have declared in favor of an advance of twenty per cent, in the pay the comprising the police ilopartment. Westerly has not planned for the ibti nance of Armistice Day. but me "former service men gay there rill be a hot tim" in the old time tonight. Tin- pay of the janitor cf the town hal is on, the same basis as the pay ol' members of the uniformed police department. rieorge Harper is -uppi for' some" of war records arc Mrg.

Ajt'irfew Chsbro. More ot local beys' those of; Car Benjamin, who was inducted in the service tit N'rw London 27. ji18. Entering the S. D.

Co. Sth Battalion at. Camp L1eVens, transferred to S2d- Co. Battalion. March 28.

1918. Kent to Qamp Josph Johnston on March HO, 191 fi. Assigned to 3th reoeived camp. April IT, 1918, trans ferred to Motor Repair. Co.

No. 1 Transferred to Training Co. No. 26, 1918. Kntered officers' training school July ZZ, 3918.

Volunteered for overseas service Aug. 1918,. leaving the following morning with the 4 IS motor supply train for Camp Virginia. Left. Camp Stewart.

An-. 14, 191S, landing ,4 Bret. France, Aug. 25, 1918. going to the front where he served in the St.

May 21, 1919. Mihiel. Meusc-Argonne offensive, and ChaU. a with the French arm yin Verdun. Was armv at Cam tJnton xr.

v. the unit, went to Camp Hanco*ck; Ga where he vras made a On May 19, left Brooklyn, N. on the Saturniii for overseas. arriing at Liverpool, May 81, 1918. Saw active service in the battles i of Fismes-Verle sector.

Oise-Atene offensiie, Meuse-Argonne offensive, offensive. Oh Nov. 11, 1918. was tit Belgium. Was dis-'hareed at Dix.

N. on It's Acid-Stomach That Millions Sick Makes anrl Suffer. It is a scientific fact that Acid-Stomach robs blood of its vitality, resulting in flabby flesh weakness pale cheeks loss of energy, in fact causes many of the ills of suffering humanity. You know what acid-mouth does to the eth and gums how the acid literally eats through the hard enamel, causing the teeth to ache and decay. Just imagine, then, what havoc Acid-Stomach must create throughout the entire body.

Millions of people are weak and unfit, suffering all the time, in one way or another, from Acid-Stomach. They don't seem dangerously sick. Just ailing. Going through life weak listless, dragging one foot after another. They're nervous and irritable; lack power and punch, frequently have severe Attacks of blinding, splitting headaches; subject to fits of meiancbolia and mental depression.

And nearly always their stomachs are out of order, even though many experience no actual stomach pains digestion poor -never getting anywhere near the full strength from their food. Acid-Stomach interferes with digestion. It causes the food to ferment. This fermentation creates gas. causing painful bloating and belching, food-repeating, heartburn, etc Serious consequences often follow, such as gastritis, dyspepeia, autointoxication.

Also to the same source Acid-Stomach may often be traced cases of catarrh of the stomach, ulcer and cancer of the stomach and intestines, cirrhosis of the liver, valvular heart trouble and heart failure. The secret of good health is to get rid of Acid-Stomach put the stomach in such perfect condition thatevery mouthful of food you eat will be perfectly digested and assimilated. A modern remedy called EATONIC does this quicklj easily and naturally. EATONIC is a tablet-eat them like candy. Absolotely harmless.

Nothing but beneficial results can follow their use. The testimonials of thousands who have used EATONIC are so enthusiastic as to seem aimost beyond belief. Your druggist has EATONIC and is authorized to refund your money -if you are not satisfied. ATONIC FOR YOUR ACID Sf OMA.CH tiie army of occupation in Germany. Mustered out of service at Camp with the grade of corporal July 3, 1919.

Raymond B. Johnson, enlisted Dec. day of August, 1918, going there from New London. Alter being there for three weeks he was sent to Camp N. to leave for overseas.

He left there a week later with the First Is, 11 1, at Hartford. V. as immedi- l4th 31st Division. Sailing atey called to service in Washington from New York the third day of Ocas company clerk of the 107th Field to'oer. they landed the 10th day of Oc Artillery, 28th Division, fn April, 1918, tooer at.

England. The next day they sialed Cor Le Harve. France, being sent to the front as I soon as possible. They reached the i iront time enough to be put in the trenches and cem the lighting in tie I town of P.elleu Bois. in the Verdun sector.

After the arrtflstice Mr. Camp- I I bell was transferred to the 26th (Y. I D.l division. Co. G.

101st and i came home with them, landing In Boston. He was discharged from Camp I Devens the zetfl day of April, 1S19. Charles I. Babco*ck enlisted in the Students' Army Training Corps at the Worcester Poy technic Institute. Oct.

10. 191S. lie was in training two months and received his discharge on Dec. 12. Adeibert Allen service March 30, don.

as sent and was put tal.on, Depot 17 days, and was tn Upton in the 32Gth Dir. ent the landing at Liverpool May Babcack entered 1918. at Xew first to Camp Devens the loth 4th Bat-igade. Was at Deva; ms5erred to Camr Co. C.

82nd om to England From Liverpool to Southampton and across the channel to Havre, France. Was 0 th Toul sector 1. Landed- in Hoboken, Oct. 13. and was v- 'at i-ukewood, X.

Jan. 14, 1919. Dorcas Circle or The King's Daughters is to meet at Miss S. Nettie Johnson's at 7 o'clock this (Tuesday) evening. The hour is earlier than usual on account of the armistiee to be held at 'ouncHma ilanniag a Ma -ui '-o It mean I fur taciu Moore The tr member their healthy industrial boom the -O.

'aine lowit. beard housing commit-tre i i-a iaj; a report of si' to Bristol, Work on Uit- Bawford highway is ui ogresfcing rapWijr. Not. ari aires! made in Westerly In Dctobi none thus f- in Novem ber. Sunday night'' frost definitely doomed tin dahlias, in Westerly antj vicinity.

1 Plans an being eompleted for the nnual show of the South County Poultry and Pot Sibi k'-asso'cialipri. "TTie Fourth company played -well -its part in the recent election of mem born of the Westerly town council. Councilman ''lifford Wi Campbell, recently retired from business in Westerly, has a seat in the Boston oroduce exchange. tVr Who is to succeed Librarian Joseph 1,. Peaco*ck is the interesting question which can be answered only by th hoard of trustees.

Flags will fly in recognition of Armistice Day. Joseph C. Lincoln is to read'selec-' tions from his Cape Cod stories before the Westerly Teachers' club. Postmasters at Aahaway and Hope Valley will receive an in-' rease of 200 in pay under the new plan. Additional contributions have increased the local Jewish Relief fund FOR lUMMGO Try Musterole.

See How Quickly It Relieves You just rub Musterole in briskly, aai usually the pain is gone a delicious, soothing comfort comes to take its p) ace. Musterole is a dean, white ointment, made with oil of mustard. Usefcfiutead of mustard plaster. Will not blister. Many doctors and nurses use Musterole and recommend it to their patients.

They will gladly tell yon what relief: it gives from sore throat, bronchitis, croup, stiff neck; asthma, neuralgia, congestion, pleurisy, rheumatism, lumbago, pains and aches of the back or joints, sprains, sore muscles, bruises, chilblains, frosted feet, colds of the chest Always dependable. 3D and out jaraboepttal site $2.50. Wovvy oh You out SUGAR Grocer has ots ofKaro 'OR cooking and baking Karo is used in millions of homes. In all cooking and baking recipes use mostly Karo instead of sugar. It is sweet, of delicate flavor and brings out the; natural flavor of the food.

Nothing better than Karo for candy making. For successful preserving jise Karo fifty-fifty with sugar or use straight Karo if preferred. Buy In Quantities Save Money I7OI7I7 The 68-page, beautifully I IJLaIli illustrated Corn Products Cook Book. It really helps to solve the ihree-meal-a-day problem. Every housewife should have one.

Write us today. Corn Products Refining Box 161 New York. WiMaracnaHinaaHiMaiXBjBBaaynai inere are Three Kinds of Karo trysta! Write-in the Red Can "GoUen Drown -n the Blue Can Maple Tlavof the new Karo with plenty of substance and a lidi Maple laste-ZD the Green Gin..

Norwich Bulletin from Norwich, Connecticut (2024)


What was Norwich CT famous for? ›

Norwich became the commercial, transportation, and manufacturing hub of the region. Norwich was rocked by the controversy over slavery prior to the Civil War. David Ruggles, a key figure in the Underground Railroad, was raised in Norwich.

What is the ethnic population of Norwich CT? ›

In 2022, there were 6.33 times more White (Non-Hispanic) residents (24.9k people) in Norwich, CT than any other race or ethnicity. There were 3.94k Black or African American (Non-Hispanic) and 2.88k Asian (Non-Hispanic) residents, the second and third most common ethnic groups.

When did Norwich CT YMCA close? ›

The Norwich YMCA closed in 2009.

What is the phone number for the Norwich Bulletin? ›

You can cancel at any time by calling Customer Service at 1-860-887-5582.

What is the nickname of Norwich CT? ›

Norwich (/ˈnɔːrwɪtʃ/ NOR-wich) (also called "The Rose of New England") is a city in New London County, Connecticut, United States.

What did Norwich used to be called? ›

The Anglo-Saxons settled the site of the modern city some time between the 5th and 7th centuries, founding the towns of Northwic ("North Farm"), from which Norwich takes its name, and Westwic (at Norwich-over-the-Water) and a lesser settlement at Thorpe.

What is the crime rate in Norwich CT? ›

Norwich Annual Crimes
Number of Crimes121667
Crime Rate (per 1,000 residents)3.0216.67

What is the poverty rate in Norwich CT? ›

The average household income in Norwich is $82,763 with a poverty rate of 13.07%. The median age in Norwich is 40.2 years: 38.4 years for males, and 41.6 years for females.

What is the most racially diverse city in Connecticut? ›

Connecticut Diversity in 2020

Towns with the highest Diversity Index are New Haven (73%), East Hartford (72%), and Waterbury (69%), while those with the lowest are Lyme (13%), Morris (14%), and Barkhamsted (14%).

What did the YMCA change their name to? ›

On 12 July 2010, YMCA of the USA rebranded its name to the popular nickname "The Y" and revised the iconic red and black logo to create five colored versions. Today, YMCAs are open to all, regardless of ability, age, culture, ethnicity, gender, race, religion, sexual orientation and socioeconomic background.

What is the new name of the YMCA? ›

J.C. Bose University of Science and Technology, YMCA
MottoVidya Paramam Bhushnam
ChancellorGovernor of Haryana
Vice-ChancellorProf. Sushil Kumar Tomar
LocationFaridabad , Haryana , India
4 more rows

What did YMCA originally stand for? ›

George Williams founded the YMCA in 1844

Twenty-two-year-old George Williams, a farmer-turned-department store worker, was troubled by what he saw. He joined 11 friends to organize the first Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA), a refuge for young men seeking escape from the hazards of life on the streets.

Who is the editor of the Norwich Bulletin? ›

Sandy Meindersma, CPCU - Managing Local Editor - The Gardner News & Norwich Bulletin | LinkedIn.

What is a service bulletin number? ›

A TSB is issued by an automaker when a non-safety related problem is discovered in a specific make and model of vehicle. Sometimes the manufacturer has a fix for the problem, sometimes not. Often, a TSB offers a guide for technicians to repair the problem.

What is the phone number for Norwich City Ticket Office? ›

Telephone lines are open from 9:30am 5pm Monday – Friday 01603 721902 or please use the form below to contact us.

What is Norwich most known for? ›

Britain's most easterly city also has a vibrant cultural scene, with annual festivals and some notable modern architecture – it's been recognized as a UNESCO City of Literature. Must-sees include the majestic Norwich Cathedral and the imposing Norman castle, as well as over 30 medieval churches.

What are some fun facts about Norwich? ›

Prepare to be astounded:
  • Second largest city in Tudor England. ...
  • Norwich is the only English city located in a national park. ...
  • Norwich was first to be pedestrianised. ...
  • A pub for every day of the year x 2. ...
  • Norwich City FC's club song is oldest in UK. ...
  • Alan Partridge is from Norwich. ...
  • Colman's mustard is from the city.
May 3, 2022

Why is Norwich, CT called the Rose of New England? ›

A rose garden is a fitting tribute to Norwich, known as “The Rose City.” It got that name after famed preacher Henry Ward Beecher visited about 1850 and admired the gardens there, calling it “The Rose of New England,” as the story was told in the Norwich Bulletin.

What is Norwich ancient history? ›

Romans, Boudicca and the Iceni in Norfolk

Norwich became the seat of the Earl of East Anglia with its own mint and 25 churches. Developed from a collection of small settlements on the River Wensum, its position in rich agricultural land and close proximity to river and sea made it an excellent location for trade.

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Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

Birthday: 1999-09-15

Address: 8416 Beatty Center, Derekfort, VA 72092-0500

Phone: +6838967160603

Job: Mining Executive

Hobby: Woodworking, Knitting, Fishing, Coffee roasting, Kayaking, Horseback riding, Kite flying

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Refugio Daniel, I am a fine, precious, encouraging, calm, glamorous, vivacious, friendly person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.