Spanish Marinated Carrots - Zanahorias Aliñadas Recipe - Spain on a Fork (2024)

Spain on a Fork > All Recipes > Tapas > Spanish Marinated Carrots – Zanahorias Aliñadas Recipe

Spanish Marinated Carrots - Zanahorias Aliñadas Recipe - Spain on a Fork (2)

All Recipes, Tapas / July 17, 2019


Can you imagine a savory tapas dish that consist of carrots? Well, these Spanish Marinated Carrots are just that. Loaded with flavors, super easy to make and done in about 30 minutes. This is a very popular tapas plate in the city of Cadiz in Andalucia. They are usually served cold and make for the perfect tapas dish on a hot day.

Spanish Marinated Carrots - Zanahorias Aliñadas Recipe - Spain on a Fork (3)

You can serve these Spanish marinated carrots as a tapas appetizer or even as a side dish. Either way you go, these carrots are gonna be a hit. The combination of flavors between all the herbs & spices is what really gives this dish that ¨wow¨ factor.

Spanish Marinated Carrots - Zanahorias Aliñadas Recipe - Spain on a Fork (4)
The secret to these Spanish marinated carrots is to perfectly boil the carrots. If you over-boil them, they will fall part and have no texture. Usually, it takes between 20 to 25 minutes to achieve the perfect texture when boiling carrots. I like to stick a toothpick in one of the carrots, and if it easily goes in with just a little resistance, they are perfectly boiled.

Spanish Marinated Carrots - Zanahorias Aliñadas Recipe - Spain on a Fork (5)
The other part to this recipe is the herbs & spices, make sure you use some high quality seasonings. Especially a good quality Spanish paprika. For this recipe I used Kiva´s sweet smoked Spanish paprika. This paprika has the perfect balance of sweetness and smokiness, giving these carrots that incredible Spanish flavor.

Cookware that I use:
Swiss Diamond Chef´s Knife
Swiss Diamond Pans
Wood Cutting Board

Watch the Video Below on How to Make these Spanish Marinated Carrots – Zanahorias Aliñadas Recipe

5 from 1 vote




Prep Time 10 minutes

Cook Time 25 minutes

Servings 4

Author Albert Bevia @ Spain on a Fork


  • 4carrots
  • 3clovesgarlic
  • 1/2tspsweet smoked Spanish paprika
  • 1/4tspcumin powder
  • 1tspdried oregano
  • 1/2tspsea salt
  • 1/8 tspfreshly cracked black pepper
  • 2tbspwhite wine vinegar
  • 1tbspextra virgin olive oil
  • 1/2cupwater


  1. Peel 4 carrots, add them into a stock pot, fill the stock pot with cold water to about 1 inch above the carrots, season with sea salt and heat it with a high heat

  2. Meawhile, finely mince 3 cloves of garlic and add into a mortar, season with 1/2 tsp of sweet smoked Spanish paprika, 1/4 tsp cumin powder, 1 tsp dried oregano, 1/2 tsp sea salt and 1/8 tsp freshly cracked black pepper, using a pestle pound down on the mixture until you form a paste and everything comes together

  3. Add 2 tbsp of white wine vinegar into the mortar, as well as 1 tbsp of extra virgin olive oil, mix it all together and set aside

  4. After boiling the carrots between 20 to 25 minutes they should be perfectly boiled, you don't want to over boil the carrots, otherwise they will break apart, you can stick a toothpick inside the carrots and if it easily goes in with just a little resistance, the carrots are perfectly boiled, drain them into a sieve with a bowl underneath

  5. Add 1/2 cup of the left over boiled water into the mixture in the mortar and gently mix together until it's all well combined, set aside

  6. Cut the boiled carrots into rounds that are 1/4 inch thick (1 cm), add the cut carrots into a large bowl, pour in the mixture in the mortar and gently mix everything together until it´s well combined, cover with seran wrap and add to the fridge, let them marinate between 12 to 24 hours, serve on a shallow bowl once ready, enjoy!

Recipe Notes

If you need any of the above ingredients to make this recipe, you can purchase them through this Amazon Affiliate Link Shop for IngredientsSpanish Marinated Carrots - Zanahorias Aliñadas Recipe - Spain on a Fork (6) and get them delivered right to your door!

Disclosure: At Spain on a Fork, we offer affiliate links to help you find what you need to re-create our recipes. If you like what we do, you can support us through our chosen links, which earn us a commission, but you still pay the same price. Learn more here.


Tags: carrots, garlic, marinated, smoked paprika, vegan, zanahorias aliñadas


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Spanish Marinated Carrots - Zanahorias Aliñadas Recipe - Spain on a Fork (2024)
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