Something Magical Happens When You Freeze Jell-O—Here’s What It Tastes Like (2024)

Here at Allrecipes, we love our Jell-O. We put it in cakes, muffins, and even in our salads. Jell-O has a seemingly endless list of uses, which begs the question: Is there anything Jell-O can’t do?

Well, we just found out about another trick to add to Jell-O’s repertoire, and we think you’re going to love it. As it turns out, you can completely transform the soft, jiggly snack with just one simple step: freezing. This recent social media trend is giving Jell-O a cool comeback, proving that it's a pantry staple that will never go out of style.

Something Magical Happens When You Freeze Jell-O—Here’s What It Tastes Like (1)

Can You Freeze Jell-O?

Freezing prepared Jell-O gives it a totally new texture that makes it even more fun to eat. The clear, jiggly gel transforms into a cloudy neon color that’s almost entirely opaque. The texture is still soft and chewy, but it's lighter and more airy, even when completely frozen.

How does it work? When Jell-O freezes, the tiny pockets of liquid trapped inside harden and expand, but the gelatin itself stays flexible and pliable. What you end up with is a blend of hard and soft textures in a cool, chewy treat. Shockingly, you can eat it straight out of the freezer before it thaws without hurting your teeth. You can even hear the soft, satisfying crunch of the mini ice crystals as you bite into it—talk about an ASMR overload.

But, because freezing changes the structural integrity of the snack, you don't want to let it thaw out completely or you'll end up with a sticky, runny mess.

We love how creative and interactive this Jell-O hack is, and how it changes up the look, taste, and even consistency of your favorite childhood treat. On a hot summer day, it's the perfect way to have fun with the kids in the kitchen. It’s so easy to make, everyone can pick their own flavor, and you can even cut it into fun frozen Jell-O shapes using cookie cutters.

That got us thinking. If freezing plain Jell-O works so well, what about freezing other Jell-O favorites? We’re talking Jell-O bites, Jell-O fluff and Jell-O shots. We soon found out that you can make all kinds of cool frozen confections when you get creative with Jell-O.

So forget the popsicles—here are three tasty ways to enjoy frozen Jell-O this summer.

How to Freeze Jell-O Three Ways

Frozen Jell-O Bites

These are just as simple to make as they sound. Just prepare the Jell-O as you usually would, according to the package instructions, letting it set in a large bowl or baking dish to create an even thickness.

Something Magical Happens When You Freeze Jell-O—Here’s What It Tastes Like (2)

Once it’s completely set, you can rip it, spoon it, or slice it into individual bites, lay them out onto a plate or baking sheet, and put them in the freezer for at least an hour, or until frozen.

Frozen Jell-O Clouds

With this method, you can make soft, pillowy Jell-O cloud "cookies" by whipping up a simple Jell-O fluff and freezing it in small dollops. These frozen Jell-O coins will be even lighter and creamier than the basic recipe.

Something Magical Happens When You Freeze Jell-O—Here’s What It Tastes Like (3)

To make them, prepare the Jell-O according to the package instructions, but before it sets completely, fold in a thawed 8-ounce carton of whipped topping. Mix until smooth and consistent.

Dollop small spoonfuls (about 1-2 tablespoons each) onto a plate or baking sheet, then freeze the fluff for at least an hour. Serve these Jell-O cloud coins as soon as you take them out of the freezer—they’ll taste like frozen cotton candy! Whipped toppings like Cool Whip don't freeze solid, so it gives the Jell-O a creamy, airy consistency after freezing that will surprise and delight you.

Frozen Jell-O Shots

Finally, we experimented with everybody’s favorite party treat as well: Jell-O shots (sorry, we had to!) Jell-O shots are a surefire way to get the party started, but believe it or not, they can get even better with some time in the freezer.

Something Magical Happens When You Freeze Jell-O—Here’s What It Tastes Like (4)

To make frozen Jell-O shots, replace the cold water in the package recipe with cold vodka (or another clear liquor). Let the boozy Jell-O set in a large bowl or baking dish, then spoon, cut, or shape it into bite-sized portions. Move those to a plate or baking sheet and freeze for at least an hour.

These boozy bites will be soft, sweet, and strong eaten right out of the freezer—but don’t wait too long to serve them. Since alcohol doesn’t freeze, the shots can melt quickly if they sit out for a while.

Something Magical Happens When You Freeze Jell-O—Here’s What It Tastes Like (2024)
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