Pediatri Hemşireliği (2024)

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Pediatri Hemşireliği (2024)


What is the nurse teaching the parents of a 5 year old with cystic fibrosis about respiratory treatments? ›

Final answer: The correct statement indicating understanding of respiratory treatments for a child with cystic fibrosis is administering bronchodilator medications before mucolytic agents, which helps in managing the symptoms by opening the airways and thinning the mucus.

When parents of a child with recently diagnosed leukemia ask the nurse why their child has too many white blood cells? ›

The parents of a child with recently diagnosed leukemia ask the nurse why their child has too many white blood cells. Which response by the nurse is best? "The bone marrow is not controlling your child's white blood cell production as it should."

When assessing the breath sounds of an 18 month old child who is crying, what action should the nurse take? ›

Explanation: When assessing the breath sounds of an 18-month old child who is crying, the nurse should ideally allow the child to initially play with the stethoscope, and distract during auscultation. This approach can help in making the child comfortable and cooperative during the assessment.

How should the nurse measure the length of a 14-month-old child: standing height, prone recumbent position, supine recumbent position, side lying position? ›

Final answer: A 14-month-old child should ideally be measured in a supine recumbent position in order to accurately measure their length or height. This method involves the child lying down with their back on the surface, and limbs at their sides.

What is the main cause of death in children with cystic fibrosis? ›

Pulmonary disease remains the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in patients with CF.

How does cystic fibrosis affect a child's life? ›

The mucus causes problems in the lungs, pancreas, and other organs. People with cystic fibrosis (SIS-tik fye-BROH-sis) get lung infections often. Over time, they have more trouble breathing. They also have digestive problems that make it hard to gain weight.

Why do so many children get leukemia? ›

Most childhood leukemias are caused by chance mutations in the genes of white blood cells. Except for rare genetic cases, little is known about the causes of these diseases. Scientists are hard at work trying to learn how these mutations happen. The immune system plays a key role in protecting the body from diseases.

How I found out my child had leukemia? ›

Common symptoms of leukemia in children include feeling tired and weak, easy bruising or bleeding, and frequent or long-term infections. Leukemia is diagnosed with blood and bone marrow tests. Imaging may be done to look for signs of leukemia in different parts of the body.

What are 6 symptoms of childhood leukemia? ›

Headaches, seizures, vomiting: A small number of children have leukemia that has already spread to the brain and spinal cord when it is first found. This can lead to symptoms such as headaches, trouble concentrating, weakness, seizures, vomiting, problems with balance, and blurred vision.

What age to stop skin-to-skin? ›

There is no specific age when skin-to-skin should stop. It provides powerful benefits for your baby throughout her first year.

Why is skin-to-skin important with father? ›

It's not only moms who have this ability; the same goes for dads during skin-to-skin contact with their baby. Stabilizes the baby's breathing, heartbeat, and more. This time together can also help regulate the baby's breathing and heartbeat, stabilize his blood sugar levels, and aid sleep.

Can a child stop breathing from crying? ›

Young children, when faced with an upsetting situation or sudden pain, can hold their breath, causing them to turn bluish or pale, and pass out. Although this is alarming to parents, breath-holding spells are generally not harmful.

What happens if baby isn't standing at 14 months? ›

Continue to monitor your baby's progress. If your baby doesn't walk by the age of 18 months, talk with your doctor. You should also talk to your doctor if you feel your baby's motor skills aren't developing properly. This might be the case if your 14-month-old is unable to stand, pull up, or bounce.

How can I get my 14 month old to stand? ›

To encourage your baby to stand, give them plenty of practice with standing play, which helps them develop the strength and balance they'll need for walking. Create opportunities for standing play by moving objects and activities off the floor and onto sturdy low furniture, such as couches, chairs, and tables.

At what age should children be measured standing up? ›

Measuring Height in Children and Adolescents. Standing height is used to measure children who are more than two years old and can stand without assistance.

What is the nursing care plan for a child with cystic fibrosis? ›

Implementation of the following goals include these interventions: Improve airway clearance. Monitor the child for signs of respiratory distress; teach the child to cough effectively; examine and document the mucus produced; increase fluid intake; and encourage the child to drink extra fluids.

What health teaching about food would be appropriate for a child with cystic fibrosis? ›

Children with CF may need 2,000-2,800 calories daily. It is important to remember that a balanced diet is vital for the whole family. This includes dairy products; grains and starches; fruits and vegetables; and proteins such as meat, poultry, fish, eggs and peanut butter.

What do you teach a patient with cystic fibrosis? ›

Preventing infection
  • Help keep your child's lungs clear of extra mucus. ...
  • Medicines called CFTR modulators may be prescribed. ...
  • Remind your child to wash their hands often, and correctly. ...
  • Ask your child's healthcare provider about a yearly flu shot and other vaccines.
  • Stay away from people who are sick.

What will a nurse teach the child with cystic fibrosis to take in order to facilitate digestion and absorption of nutrients? ›

Most people with CF need to take pancreatic enzyme capsules before every meal and snack so their bodies can digest the nutrients. Meals and snacks include breast milk, formula, milk and nutritional supplements.

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Author: Aracelis Kilback

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Name: Aracelis Kilback

Birthday: 1994-11-22

Address: Apt. 895 30151 Green Plain, Lake Mariela, RI 98141

Phone: +5992291857476

Job: Legal Officer

Hobby: LARPing, role-playing games, Slacklining, Reading, Inline skating, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Dance

Introduction: My name is Aracelis Kilback, I am a nice, gentle, agreeable, joyous, attractive, combative, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.