Night Parade of a Hundred Demons (2024)

The Night Parade of a Hundred Demons ( (ひゃっ) () () (こぅ) Hyakki Yakō?) is a jujutsu terrorist attack on the cities of Kyoto and Shinjuku orchestrated by Suguru Geto on December 24, 2017.


  • 1 Prologue
  • 2 Event
  • 3 Aftermath
  • 4 Trivia
  • 5 References
  • 6 Navigation


Night Parade of a Hundred Demons (1)

Special grade curse user Suguru Geto has spent the last decade under the facade of a Buddhist monk "cleansing" people of their curses. In that time he has amassed a number of cursed spirits from cursed humans, as well as allied sorcerers who wish to see his dream of a reality without non-sorcerers and curses come true.

In 2017, Suguru learned of the Special grade vengeful spirit Rika Orimoto who has cursed Tokyo High first-year student Yuta Okkotsu. He decides this is the perfect time to enact his plan and put an end to non-sorcerer "monkeys". After not seeing his "family" for a while, Suguru meets with all of his commanders at his temple headquarters. He announces his intention and states they'll start by crushing the cornerstone of the jujutsu world, Tokyo Jujutsu High.[1]

Night Parade of a Hundred Demons (2)

Suguru rides a giant bird-like curse to the Tokyo school with Larue, Mimiko, and Nanako. As soon as they land, Suguru surprises Yuta's classmates with his speed, blitzing past them to abruptly introduce himself to Yuta. He commends his power and claims it should be used to create a world with only sorcerers. Suguru's old friend Satoru Gojo arrives to get the curse user away from his students. He accompanied by their old teacher Masamichi Yaga as well as several other sorcerers and managers. Suguru tauntingly tries to defuse the tension by commending his new class, but goes out of his way to call Maki the failure of the Zenin Family.

Offended, Yuta refuses Suguru's kindness and claims he won't ever use his power to help someone who'd insult his friends. Satoru uses the chance to get in between them and demands to know why Suguru would dare return to the school after being expelled. Suguru reveals that he's arrived to declare war. He announces on December 24, he will commence the Night Parade of a Hundred Demons. It is set to take place in the crucible for curses: Shinjuku and jujutsu's sacred land: Kyoto. One thousand cursed spirits will be unleashed on each city and ordered to massacre every non-sorcerer. He challenges the sorcerers to stop them and states they need to curse each other to their heart's content.

Night Parade of a Hundred Demons (3)

Satoru doesn't plan on just letting Suguru walk away, but he creates a one-eyed curse capable of summoning skeletons that surround the students. Shortly after, Suguru and his allies take off on the bird-curse and leave. Yaga holds a meeting right afterward to discuss their plan to deal with Suguru. He informs everyone of Suguru's abilities and confirms it's likely to have over two thousand curses after using his religious group as a lure for cursed humans. Even so, Yaga believes he can't have any more than fifty curse user allies, so it doesn't make sense for Suguru to wage war.

In order to exorcise the curse known as Suguru Geto, all school alumni, the sorcerer families, and the Ainu society are asked to help. Suguru foresees Yaga's big speech and believes his distraction is working. The Night Parade of 100 Demons true purpose is to isolate Yuta Okkotsu so Suguru can kill him and subjugate Rika, using her power to realize his dream.[2]


Night Parade of a Hundred Demons (4)

On December 24th, a thousand cursed spirits appear in Shinjuku just as Suguru promised. Masamichi Yaga orders the sorcerers under his command to exorcise all the curses while keeping destruction to the city to a minimum. On the chance that civilians haven't left the area, sorcerers are ordered to evacuate them.

Night Parade of a Hundred Demons (5)

Yaga asks Satoru if he's listening to the orders but he doesn't reply and points out one person among the enemy who could be in trouble. That person is Miguel Oduol, who is watching Satoru and the sorcerers from atop a tall building alongside a woman. Miguel also picks out Satoru as the strongest among the opposition. The woman with Miguel, Manami Suda, reminds him that Suguru warned them about only buying time. Miguel's role is to stall Satoru while Manami and the others attack the other jujutsu sorcerers. He confirms that he understands and plans on taking it slow and steady so they can at least enjoy themselves until Suguru finishes.

Satoru remains on standby and ponders why Suguru hasn't made an appearance on the front line when he's the type of person who loves to show off. There hasn't been word of his appearance in Kyoto either. Ijichi approaches Satoru while he's thinking and asks what's wrong. Satoru insists its nothing and Ijichi updates him on their investigation into Yuta's past. This news makes Satoru realize Suguru is planning to target Yuta and decides to teleport Toge Inumaki and Panda back to Tokyo Jujutsu High. He warns them that Yuta and Maki could die in the worse scenario and asks them to do their best to protect their classmates.

Night Parade of a Hundred Demons (6)

Miguel and Manami are surprised to see that Satoru figured out their plan already. Miguel believes they should prepared a doppleganger but Manami insists that Geto said a bad replacement would've given them away even sooner. Manami moves up the plan and relays new commands to Miminko and Nanako. The twins emerge from the mouth of a large cursed spirit and Nanako expresses her desire to cut loose. Meanwhile, Gojo stands alone and behind him, Miguel declares himself the special grade's opponent. Gojo turns over his shoulder to look back at Miguel while pulling back his bandages to reveal his left eye. As he glares at Miguel with the Six Eyes, an irritated Gojo apologizes because he's busy at the moment.[3]

Night Parade of a Hundred Demons (7)

Inside the curtain around Shinjuku, sorcerers all across the battlefield engage curses released from cursed spirit manipulated. Takuma Ino destroys several at close range before dispatching a larger bipedal curse with Kaichi. He expresses how he wishes Nanami could see him do well but Kusakabe yells at him to stop whining and continue fighting. At the same time, Mei Mei engages numerous masked curses that she slashes apart with her axe. She's exorcised at least fifty cursed spirits, clearing the number needed for an incentive payout. Motivated to make more money, Mei Mei sets out to work harder to earn a full bonus.

Night Parade of a Hundred Demons (8)

Ijichi separates from Satoru and finds three managers hung from the Shinjuku Ballpen Town sign. The twins, Mimiko and Nanako are responsible. Ijichi asks how old they are and tells them it's not too late to turn back. This only serves to irritate the sisters. Nanako explains that people within the city can't imagine what it's like for sorcerers on the outskirts when people believe they're cursed. They only believe in Suguru's vision and swear to hang anyone who gets in his way. Nanako aims her smartphone at Ijichi and her cursed energy focuses on the camera lens. Before she can activate her cursed technique, Miguel is sent flying through the air behind her and crashes into the roof of a building.

The girls turn around to see that Miguel has been knocked down Nanako asks him what he's doing. Miguel responds sarcastically asking if she can see what's happening when Satoru appears standing behind him. Satoru admits that Miguel is tough and the latter quickly gets up and whips Satoru with his cursed tool. Satoru blocks it with his arm but the whip has an unusual curse woven into it that's able to even disturb the Infinity. However, Miguel came with enough rope to wrap around his waist several times, and now less than half remains. Miguel asks Satoru how many decades he thinks it took the sorcerers of his country to weave the Black Rope but Satoru insists he doesn't care.

Night Parade of a Hundred Demons (9)

A massive furry cursed spirit walks on the street near Satoru but the special grade sorcerer is out of patience. Satoru goes overboard and uses Cursed Technique Reversal: Red to obliterate the curse while damaging several buildings in the process. Nervous, Ijichi notes to himself that Satoru has snapped. This also surprises Miguel and the girls. Miguel is impressed with the Limitless that Suguru warned him about. He knows manipulates space at an atomic level with precise cursed energy manipulation granted to Satoru by his unique eyes.

Night Parade of a Hundred Demons (10)

With just under twelve minutes until his quota, Miguel intends to keep up diversions while running for his life. He uses the Black Rope to rip a cooling unit off the roof of the building and throws it at Satoru. Is crushed by Satoru's Infinity and Miguel uses the distraction to get behind his opponent. Miguel throws a punch and then follows up with several swings of his whip propelled by swift, skillful, spinning motions that Satoru narrowly avoids with graceful speed. Satoru backs off to gain some distance before instantly rushing back in to blitz Miguel with a combination of punches to the gut and head. Satoru finishes his attack with a spinning kick that knocks Miguel into the street. The curse user quickly recovers and gets back to his feet before using his whip to break several power lines that transform into snake-like curses.

Satoru destroys them and sets his sights back on Miguel, who is riding on top of the shoulder of another large curse. The curse swings at Satoru but he avoids it with high-speed movement and then strikes both of them while they're falling through the air. Miguel narrowly escapes damage and swings back into the air. However, Satoru impedes his trajectory, and Miguel slams into the Infinity. Satoru grabs Miguel and throws him back into the building where they re-engage each other at close range. This time Satoru heavily overwhelms Miguel.

Night Parade of a Hundred Demons (11)

Satoru knocks Miguel away with several blows and starts building a combo of direct hits. He lands numerous consecutive punches in rapid succession that brutally pummel Miguel, whose completely at the mercy of the world's strongest sorcerer. The last punch in Satoru's combination of strikes knocks Miguel into another maintenance unit on the roof. He tries to follow up but Miguel avoids it while Satoru destroys the unit. Satoru turns around to pursue Miguel but he quickly disappears and hides behind more cursed spirits. Miguel recognizes that things got dangerous and decides to focus on hit-and-run tactics from now on. He plans on giving his all to survive the last ten minutes before his quota is up and swears to curse Geto if he dies in that time.[4]

In a makeshift medical station somewhere within the city where sorcerers and managers are being treated, Akari Nitta tries to help Shoko Ieiri sort the wounded. She ensures the wounded that Shoko will help them and Geto's former classmate feels annoyed towards him for forcing a heap of trouble upon them with this incident.

Night Parade of a Hundred Demons (12)

Meanwhile, in Kyoto, several jujutsu sorcerers are killed by a large curse with muscular arms and a large shell. Young sorcerers watch in horror as they prepare to step up and fight next. Kento Nanami stops them and calmly tells them that he'll take care of it. He runs into battle and leaps off the top of a car into the air above his target. Nanami slashes down the curse's neck with his blunt sword and then circles its arms so that it collapses to the ground. A group of crawling curses confronts Nanami next and he responds by wrapping his tie around his right fist before charging it with cursed energy. Nanami slashes the first of the curses away before throwing a fierce right hook that obliterates the rest of the group with a Black Flash. Two more groups of those types of cursed spirits attack Nanami and he destroys them with two more Black Flashes using his fist. The large curse Nanami injured attacks him from behind and the grade 1 sorcerer slices it in half with a fourth consecutive Black Flash combined with his Ratio Technique.

Night Parade of a Hundred Demons (13)

Across the city, Noritoshi Kamo fires his arrows to destroy curses approaching his comrades. Two beast-like curses survive his arrows only to be cut down by Kasumi Miwa's New Shadow Style. Insect-like curses erupt from a building next to her but they're destroyed in time by aheat ray from Mechamaru. When more insects appear, Mai Zenin shoots them with her gun.

Momo Nishimiya watches the situation from above and informs them that seven more curses are approaching. Kamo asks where Aoi Todo is and Momo reveals their group will be seeing him soon. They all regroup by coincidence as Todo rampages through the city and they happen upon a powerful curse that intimidates Kamo with its cursed energy. Todo is unafraid however and feels the need to catch the Takada-chan Christmas special on TV that night, so he's in a hurry. Kamo doesn't want Todo to go off alone again but Momo warns him that another group of curses are approaching. He orders the others to intercept them and Mai complains that there's no end to them.


Sometime afterward, the battles in Shinjuku and Kyoto conclude. Suguru Geto is also defeated by Yuta and Rika, but he escapes with his life. While trying to get away, the heavily injured Suguru is confronted once again by Satoru. He gives him a chance for his final words and Suguru reveals that he couldn't be happy no matter what.[5]

By 2018, the Night Parade of a Hundred Demons is recognized in history as a jujutsu terrorist attack on Kyoto and Shinjuku led by Suguru Geto. Rumors began to spread about Aoi Todo's accomplishments during the attack in Kyoto. Apparently, he exorcised five grade 1s and one special grade curses on his own. Todo confirmed the story while talking to Megumi, revealing he only used his cursed technique against the special grade.[6]


  • Gege Akutami notes that Miguel Oduol is the MVP of the Night Parade. Shortly after his life became more difficult, something commonly associated with becoming a jujutsu sorcerer, implying he was recruited by Satoru Gojo.[7] Following Geto's fall, it appears that Miguel has ceased working as a curse user and has accompanied Yuta overseas.[8]
  • Kinji Hakari was suspended for an altercation that took place with a conservative member of the jujutsu higher-ups. Hakari beat them up and was promptly suspended.[9]


  1. Jujutsu Kaisen Manga: Chapter 0-3 (p. 4-8).
  2. Jujutsu Kaisen Manga: Chapter 0-3 (p. 11-24).
  3. Jujutsu Kaisen Manga: Chapter 0-3 (p. 30-35).
  4. Jujutsu Kaisen Manga: Chapter 0-4 (p. 12-16).
  5. Jujutsu Kaisen Manga: Chapter 0-4 (p. 37-39).
  6. Jujutsu Kaisen Manga: Chapter 17 (p. 9).
  7. Jujutsu Kaisen Manga: Vol. 0 (p. 199).
  8. Jujutsu Kaisen Manga: Chapter 136 (p. 3).
  9. Jujutsu Kaisen Official Fanbook: (p. 26).



Cursed Child Arc
MovieJujutsu Kaisen 0: The Movie
BattlesYuta Okkotsu vs. Suguru Geto
EventsNight Parade of a Hundred Demons
Night Parade of a Hundred Demons (2024)
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Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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