30+ Vegan Brunch Recipes for Lazy Days (2024)

What’s better than long lie-in? A bunch of gorgeous vegan brunch recipes to try, of course!

By Lora O’Brien

The best thing about weekends is that it feels like there’s no rush for anything. We sleep in, go out with friends and family, and definitely spend more time enjoying leisurely brunches.

Ah, brunch! It’s seriously the best part of any weekend, right? Gathering with your besties to discuss their (mis)deeds from the night before, catching up with news, and of course, eating and drinking delicious stuff for hours on end.

Most of us have a favourite cafe, hotel or restaurant where we head for this weekly ritual, but given that your typical brunch fare is so meaty and unhealthy – not to mention a bit expensive – why not whip up a vegan brunch for your friends at your place? It’s easier to host than you think!

All of the usual brunch dishes are here, from pancakes and sausages to Eggs Benedict and even dim sum, plus a whole lot of super healthy additions, like smoothie bowls green juices and chia puddings – but all with a vegan twist, of course. Heck, there’s even vegan bacon and sausages!

Craving a bit of the ‘hair of the dog’ or want to add a few mimosas or other co*cktails to keep things super interesting? I’ve added a few boozy co*cktails at the end, but for even more vegan drinks ideas, just click here!

30 Vegan Brunch Recipes for Lazy Days

30+ Vegan Brunch Recipes for Lazy Days (1)

1. Green Detox Juice

The best way to start off a list of vegan brunch recipes is with something healthy, right? Green juices are a fabulous way of getting nutrients straight into your body, and it’s a lot easier to gulp a juice down than it would be to munch through piles of leafy greens early in the morning – but it’s just as healthy!

Get the recipe here.

2. Beet, Apple & Blackberry Juice

That colour! Ruby red and packed with blood-cleansing goodness. The earthy taste of the beets is trumped by adding apples, blackberries and ginger. The perfect way to start your day!

Get the recipe here.

30+ Vegan Brunch Recipes for Lazy Days (3)

3. Chocolate Coffee Smoothie

Me and coffee are in a serious, lifelong relationship. I love the stuff, but I’m always looking for ways to enjoy it in a healthier way than just straight up with almond milk. Coffee isn’t bad for us when it’s organic and drunk a few times a day, so why not enjoy it in smoothie form, too? A frozen banana adds a creaminess and garnishing it with coconut and cacao nibs tastes great, adds a crunch and looks cute, too. This is one of my personal, can’t-live-without-it vegan brunch recipes!

Get the recipe here.

4. Smoothie Bowls Three Ways

Smoothie bowls have been popular for some time now, and for good reason. They’re a great way of packing in lots of fruit and veg and decorating them for an Instagram-worthy photo is always fun. Whether you like eating your greens, prefer berries or fancy a tropical bowl, there’s a bowl here for you. Or if you’re looking for a ton of smoothie bowl recipes, find more here.

Get the recipe here.

30+ Vegan Brunch Recipes for Lazy Days (5)

5. Frozen Raspberry Smoothie

Creamy, fruity and delicious, this smoothie is one of the healthiest vegan brunch recipes! It’s packed with fruits, coconut yogurt (sub in whatever yogurt you prefer or have on hand, though) and a bit of lemon to make it super alkaline – great for de-acidifying your body!

Get the recipe here.

6. Pumpkin Spice Chia Seed Pudding

If you’ve not yet tried chia seeds yet, then you need to up your game and make a few puddings. Chia seeds expand when added to liquid and adopt the flavour of whatever you add, so you can quite literally make them taste of anything. I love using almond milk because it’s creamy and works well. And the pumpkin spice flavours here are perfect for any season! Love the look of this? Get even more chia recipes here.

Get the recipe here.

30+ Vegan Brunch Recipes for Lazy Days (7)

7. Homemade Mocha Nutella

It’s a fact: people get obsessed with Nutella. Because who doesn’t love smearing chocolate spread onto things? But my friends – the brand is terrible for animals. So much so, it’s not even considered vegan! Yes, really. It has to do with Nutella’s extensive killing of orangutans due to their insatiable need to add palm oil to their spread. So make your own instead! You’ll be glad you did – this is one of the yummiest vegan brunch recipes!

Get the recipe here.

30+ Vegan Brunch Recipes for Lazy Days (8)

8. Super Chunky Coconut Granola

Granola is something you should always have a batch of in your cupboards. Whether you throw it onto your smoothie bowls, top it onto your porridge and chia puddings or sprinkle some onto some coconut yogurt as a snack, it’s so healthy and so, so yummy! This naturally sweetened version is packed with pecans, coconut and raisins.

Get the recipe here.

30+ Vegan Brunch Recipes for Lazy Days (9)

9. Blueberry Oatmeal Pancakes

What’s a brunch without pancakes, I ask you? I couldn’t do a list of vegan brunch recipes without them, obviously! Chunky, filling and totally delicious, these little pancakes are crispy on the outside and oaty-nutty on the inside. Lashings of maple syrup and heaps of berry compote will make them a filling, wholesome part of your brunch.

Get the recipe here.

30+ Vegan Brunch Recipes for Lazy Days (10)

10. Vegan French Toast

Chia seeds and vegan milk replace eggs and milk to make this brunch favourite. All you need to add are some thick slices of nice bread (I’m loving sourdough these days!), some agave syrup and organic fruit. Yum!

Get the recipe here.

30+ Vegan Brunch Recipes for Lazy Days (11)

11. Blueberry Baked Oatmeal

This is a meal in a pan! It’s not quite a crumble, not quite oatmeal, but it is sweet, crunchy, and healthy! Of course, if blueberries are out of season, you could add chunks of apple or pear instead. Top with cinnamon and/or some vegan whipped cream!

Get the recipe here.

30+ Vegan Brunch Recipes for Lazy Days (12)

12. Avocado Toast 4 Ways

Avocado on toast seems to be ‘the’ hottest – and easiest – of all the vegan brunch recipes. It’s everywhere! I’ve had it in Dubai, London, Montreal and even Hong Kong! But the truth is, sometimes it feels a bit tired. Here are 4 ways to jazz it up!

Get the recipe here.

30+ Vegan Brunch Recipes for Lazy Days (13)

13. Potato Latkes

This is one of my favourite vegan breakfast recipes! These potato pancakes are the bomb! Though they’re usually made with egg and served with sour cream, this version ensures everything is 100% vegan, and just as tasty!

Get the recipe here.

30+ Vegan Brunch Recipes for Lazy Days (14)

14. Vegan Shiitake Bacon

If tofu isn’t really your thing, you should try and make this shiitake mushroom bacon instead. Again you can use liquid smoke giving it its ‘bacon’ flavour. This is so good you can even make it to sprinkle over salads and even in sandwiches. Definitely one of the best vegan brunch recipes for those new to vegan ‘meats’!

Get the recipe here.

30+ Vegan Brunch Recipes for Lazy Days (15)

15. Perfect Tofu Scramble

Why eat eggs when you can make perfect scramble with tofu? If you’re someone that likes to start your day off with a heartier meal, why not go for this eggy recipe with a side of garlic and rosemary breakfast potatoes and kale, maybe? Or avocado, tomato slices and mushrooms? The possibilities are endless!

Get the recipe here.

30+ Vegan Brunch Recipes for Lazy Days (16)

16. Vegan Chickpea Omelette

Another one of those vegan brunch recipes that proves veganism has no limits! You can still enjoy your favourite brunch recipes like the old faithful omelette, with all the protein, too – but this time it comes from chickpea flour. Again, you can pack anything you want into this. Stuffing it with wilted spinach or kale is a great way to add a plant based boost.

Get the recipe here.

30+ Vegan Brunch Recipes for Lazy Days (17)

17. Vegan Breakfast Scramble Bowl

When you’re really hungry, or when brunch really does mean two meals (yep, breakfast and lunch), then this should be your go-to of all the vegan brunch recipes here! It’s got hash browns, tofu scramble, avocado, cheese sauce, rice paper bacon….I mean, what more could you ask for?

Get the recipe here.

30+ Vegan Brunch Recipes for Lazy Days (18)

18. Savory Turmeric Oat Bowls With Tempeh Bacon

When it comes to brunch, some like it hot! And this bowl is for those of us who do. It features a tempeh version of bacon, a creamy, cheesy, savoury oat recipe, and of course, lots of veggie goodness! This is actually a great idea to serve up to guests if you have a group over, too.

Get the recipe here.

30+ Vegan Brunch Recipes for Lazy Days (19)

19. Vegan Full English Breakfast

Feeling super hungry in the late morning/early afternoon? It’s pretty easy to make the traditional full English breakfast vegan, as the Mouthwatering Vegan shows., below Take your time with this one – this is one of those vegan brunch recipes that could well serve as your main meal for the day!

Get the recipe here.

30+ Vegan Brunch Recipes for Lazy Days (20)

20. Mashed Avocado Finger Sandwiches

If you’ve got a group over for brunch, and you don’t want it to get too fussy, try serving these simple little sarnies. They’re healthy, easy to make, and who doesn’t love avocado? Tip: Stick in a toothpick to make these even easier to eat!

Get the recipe here.

30+ Vegan Brunch Recipes for Lazy Days (21)

21. Homemade Sundried Tomato & Pine Nut Vegan Sausages

Sausages are another faithful go-to for brunch, and this vegan sausage recipe will make even the most dedicated of carnivores swear off meat. Not as difficult to make as you think! Give them a whirl – you can also serve these for dinner with some mashed sweet potatoes. Yum!

Get the recipe here.

30+ Vegan Brunch Recipes for Lazy Days (22)

22. Vegan Savory Zucchini Muffins

I love muffins, (which is why I compiled a bunch of vegan muffin recipes here), so I was super intrigued by this savory courgette (that’s another word for zucchini, of course) recipe. This fully gluten-free concoction has a bready – as opposed to cakey – texture, and could serve as a lovely brunch side dish instead of toast.

Get the recipe here.

30+ Vegan Brunch Recipes for Lazy Days (23)

23. Soy-Free Vegan Benedict

A list of vegan brunch recipes wouldn’t be complete without some Eggs Benedict! This dish is truly the benchmark for brunch foods, so I was so thrilled to find this vegan version. Shiitake mushrooms replace the ham in this recipe, and the ‘eggs’ are actually chickpea patties, all topped off with a cashew sauce.

Get the recipe here.

30+ Vegan Brunch Recipes for Lazy Days (24)

24. Vegan Potato Cakes Stuffed with Mushrooms

Based on a traditional Russian dish named Zrazy, these potato cakes are vegan friendly and stuffed with mushrooms and onion and tangy dill. They’re then pan-fried until they’re golden, and you can serve them up with either a vegan gravy, or if you’re looking for more of a kick, mustard or horseradish.

Get the recipe here.

25. Asparagus & Mushroom Vegan Quiche

This is a one-pan, gluten free vegan meal that’s super versatile. Just add whatever veggies are in season! It’s easy to serve up to guests if you have some over, and no one will ever guess that the ‘egg’ is actually silken tofu!

Get the recipe here.

30+ Vegan Brunch Recipes for Lazy Days (26)

26. Vegan Dim Sum

What’s dim sum doing on a list of vegan brunch recipes, you may ask? Well, dim sum is fast becoming a Western brunch tradition, and no wonder: each little steamed bundle of vegetarian deliciousness is like a small gift for your mouth! This recipe features mushrooms, but pack ’em with whatever veggies float your boat.

Get the recipe here.

27. A Trio of Blinis

Brunch wouldn’t be brunch without blinis. But forget about caviar and sour cream – the toppings here include miso-lime grilled aubergines 0n honey glazes blinis (use maple syrup to make vegan), toasted sesame-soy tofu and spinach cream and sweet potato, almond and smoked paprika. Fancy!

Get the recipe here.

30+ Vegan Brunch Recipes for Lazy Days (28)

28. Breakfast Burritos

Personally, I like my vegan brunch recipes on the Mexican side, and the great thing about burritos is that you can pack them full of just about anything you like – including a tofu scramble and plenty of greens! This includes a recipe for the burritos themselves, but if you’re in a rush, of course you can use store-bought, too.

Get the recipe here.

30+ Vegan Brunch Recipes for Lazy Days (29)

29. Healthy Pumpkin Spiced Latte

No matter what the season, I always want one of these! If you’re used to getting yours from coffee chains like Starbucks, just stop! You should know there are heaps of sugar in their lattes, and zero actual pumpkin. But you can bet there’s real pumpkin in this and zero sugar. Does it get any better?

Get the recipe here.

30+ Vegan Brunch Recipes for Lazy Days (30)

30. Vegan Bloody Marys

I couldn’t do a list of vegan brunch recipes without including something boozy, right? The classic drink gets a vegan makeover with the use of vegan Worcestershire sauce (try The Wizard’s brand). These are the perfect drink to serve before, after and during brunch!

Get the recipe here.

30+ Vegan Brunch Recipes for Lazy Days (31)

31. Vegan Bellinis

Say ‘good morning’ to the day – and your guests – with the ultimate classic brunch co*cktail! The Bellini is easy to make – just be sure you use a vegan champagne! This drink pretty much goes beautifully with all the vegan brunch recipes here.

Get the recipe here.

30+ Vegan Brunch Recipes for Lazy Days (32)

Main image: Love and Lemons Cookbook – why not buy it here? Second image: hbowatch.com

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Lora O'Brien

Food Editor at Eluxe Magazine

After graduating in Journalism from the University of Greenwich, Lora worked for Sugar and Healing Lifestyles magazines in London before being hired to write about food for Eluxe. She’s recently become a new mom to baby Lulla, and is writing a blog about the experience of being a new mom. See more about Lora here.

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30+ Vegan Brunch Recipes for Lazy Days (2024)
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