10 recetas de sopa/ 10 soup recipes (2024)

10 recetas de sopa/ 10 soup recipes (1)

¡Nos estamos congelando! Me siento como osito todo el día por los peluches que estoy usando para no morir de frío. Y cada año pasa, pero ahora me tomó desprevenida, pues el frío de los años anteriores era súper fuerte en noviembre y bajaba poco a poco, pero este año llegó (con cierta bipolaridad) hasta diciembre. Y es que, en las mañana hay que salir forrado, a medio día y en la tarde quitarse todo por el solazo que hace y en la noche otra vez sacar el arsenal de fleece, chamarras, calcetines, cobijas extras y ponche caliente.

Muchos que no son de CDMX pensarán que somos muy exagerados, pero en chilangolandia tenemos bastante buen clima casi todo el año, así que los picos de temperaturas nos sacan mucho de onda, no estamos preparados y nuestras casas, por lo general, no están equipadas para mucho calor o mucho frío, así que se siente horrible estar en un congelador de cuarto, o en su momento, en un horno.

Así que en estos días hemos tenido muchísimos antojos de sopas calientes y por eso hice esta lista de las sopas que más me gustan en el blog.

Un abrazo,


  1. Sopa de salmón (13 febrero 2019)


Esta sopa es un platillo completo y súper rico. Es para estos días que quieres comer en taza tapada viendo la tele.

10 recetas de sopa/ 10 soup recipes (2)

  1. Sopa de verduras con arroz salvaje (26 marzo 2017)


Otra receta súper completa que si le agregas pollo ya tienes una comida completa, calientita y en plato hondo.

10 recetas de sopa/ 10 soup recipes (3)

  1. Sopa ramen con pollo y huevos marinados (22 julio 2018)


Esta receta es de mis favoritas de las 450 que tengo en el blog. Es un ramen bastante parecido a los auténticos japoneses y aunque toma más tiempo que otras sopas, vale toda la pena para esta época de frío y apapacho. Es importante hacer los huevos marinados porque le dan un súper sabor a la sopa.

10 recetas de sopa/ 10 soup recipes (4)

  1. Sopa miso (15 febrero 2016)


Esta receta de sopa es súper fácil, reconfortante y sana. Todos los ingredientes los encuentras en cualquier súper en el pasillo de productos orientales. La puedes hacer en minutos y le puedes agregar otros tipos de proteína además del tofu si quieres.

10 recetas de sopa/ 10 soup recipes (5)

  1. Sopa de zanahoria rostizada con nuez de la india (3 noviembre 2019)


Esta sopa de zanahoria la hice en noviembre y ha sido un hitazo, tanto en mi casa como en el blog. Y la verdad con mucha razón, pues es deliciosa, una alternativa a la sopa de zanahoria normal, es muy sana.

10 recetas de sopa/ 10 soup recipes (6)

  1. Sopa de mariscos (6 marzo 2017)


Esta sopa de mariscos es de las que más me han gustado hacer: uno porque cocinar con mariscos es complicado (en mi cabeza) para que no queden como ligas, y dos porque el sabor es delicioso y otra comida completa.

10 recetas de sopa/ 10 soup recipes (7)

  1. Sopa minestrone (9 marzo 2016)


Esta sopa es una tradicional italiana, y lo que me gusta es que los enanos son felices porque tiene pasta, pero yo soy feliz porque comen mucha verdura y alubias. Si le pones carne o pollo molido, puedes hacerlo comida completa.

10 recetas de sopa/ 10 soup recipes (8)

  1. Sopa de codito es caldillo de frijol (29 marzo 2016)


Esta receta la he hecho desde hace años y la varío entre fideo y coditos, a veces caldosa y a veces seca. Es buenísima, y puedes usar codito integral, de quinoa, sin gluten o cualquier pasta que prefieras. Igualmente puedes agregarle espinaca, zanahoria en cubitos, kale o cualquier verdura que tus hijos se coman si está escondida.

10 recetas de sopa/ 10 soup recipes (9)

  1. Sopa de lima (1 julio 2018)


De las sopas favoritas de mi esposo, fácil de hacer y deliciosa.

10 recetas de sopa/ 10 soup recipes (10)

  1. Caldo de pollo con dumplings de pollo (26 septiembre 2019)


Esta receta de sopa es de mis recetas más recientes y que, aunque no es común en la cocina mexicana, es muy rica y a todos en mi casa les gustó mucho. Igual la hice un día que no quería hacer plato fuerte y que estaba muy emocionada con las cosas que probé en nuestro último viaje. Es un cambio al caldo de pollo tradicional y es delicioso.

10 recetas de sopa/ 10 soup recipes (11)


10 soup recipes

We’re freezing! I feel like a teddy bear from all the fluffy stuff I am wearing so I don’t freeze to death. And it happens every year, but now it took me off guard, because in previous years the cold got super strong in November and then slowly went down, but this year it came (with some bipolarity) until December. During the morning you have to get out all covered in many layers, in the middle of the day and in the afternoon, we take everything off because it is that hot and then at night we take out the arsenal of fleece, jackets, socks, extra blankets and hot beverages we can muster to not freeze.

Many who do not live in Mexico city will think that we are very exaggerated, but in Chilangolandia we have quite good weather almost all year round, so we are not prepared for temperature spikes and our houses are usually not equipped for much warm or cold, so it feels horrible to be in a room freezer, or in the summer, in an oven.

So these days we’ve had a lot of cravings for hot soups and that’s why I made this list of the soups from the blog that I like the most.



  1. Salmon soup (13 February 2019)


This soup is a complete and super delicious dish. It’s for these days that you want to eat from a mug all covered up watching TV.

  1. Vegetable soup with wild rice (26 March 2017)


Another super complete recipe and if you add chicken you have a full meal, warm and wonderful.

  1. Ramen soup with chicken and marinated eggs (22 July 2018)


This recipe is one of my favorites from the 450 recipes I have on the blog. It is a ramen soup quite similar to the real thing and although it takes longer than other soups, it is worth it for this cold and pampering season. It is important to make the marinated eggs because they add a super flavor to the soup.

  1. Miso soup (15 February 2016)


This soup recipe is super easy, comforting and healthy. All the ingredients can be found at any supermarket in the oriental products aisle. You can do it in minutes and you can add other types of protein besides tofu if you want.

  1. Indian nut-roasted carrot soup (3 November 2019)


I made this carrot soup in November and it was a hit, both in my house and on the blog. And rightly so, because it is delicious, an alternative to normal carrot soup and very healthy.

  1. Seafood soup (6 March 2017)


This seafood soup is one of the recipes I have enjoyed making the most: first, because cooking with seafood is complicated (in my head) to not cooked them into rubber, and two because the taste is delicious and anothercomplete meal .

  1. Minestrone soup (9 March 2016)


This soup is a traditional Italian one, and what I like is that my little ones are happy because it has pasta in it, and I am happy because they eat a lot of vegetables and beans. If you put groundbeef or chicken in it, you can make it a full meal.

  1. Elbow pasta soup is bean broth (29 March 2016)


I’ve made this recipe for years exchanging fine noodles and elbow pasta, sometimes brothy and sometimes dry. It is delicious and you can use whole wheat, quinoa, gluten free or whichever pasta you prefer. You can also add spinach, cubed carrots, kale or any veggies your kids are happy to eat if somewhat hidden.

  1. Lime soup (1 July 2018)


Of my husband’s favorite soups, easy to make and delicious.

  1. Chicken broth with chicken dumplings (26 September 2019)


This soup recipe is one of my most recent recipes and although not common in Mexican cuisine, is very tasty and everyone in my house liked it very much. I made it on a day when I didn’t want to make a main course and when I was very excited about the things I tried on our last trip. It’s a change to traditional chicken broth and it’s delicious.

10 recetas de sopa/ 10 soup recipes (2024)


What are the 10 most popular soups in the world? ›

10 world soups you need to know
  • Miso soup (Japan) A traditional dish from Japan, miso soup is always found on Japanese tables starting with breakfast in the morning. ...
  • Borscht (Ukraine) ...
  • Ribollita (Italy) ...
  • Bouillabaisse (France) ...
  • Gazpacho (Spain) ...
  • Pho (Vietnam) ...
  • Tom Yam (Thailand) ...
  • Harira (Morocco)
Jan 26, 2024

What is the secret ingredient in soup? ›

It may sound a bit strange and unusual for some, but vinegar is a common ingredient in some soup recipes, and there is a good reason for it. If you think about it, vinegar is really a flavor-enhancer (umami). That's why it is so often used in cooking, sauces, and salad dressings. The same is true with soups.

How to make homemade soup better? ›

7 Easy Ways to Make Any Soup Better
  1. Brown or Sear the Meat.
  2. Roast the the Veggies.
  3. Mix up the Texture.
  4. Use Homemade Stock Whenever Possible.
  5. Put Your Cheese Rinds to Work.
  6. Perk up a Bland Soup With Simple Pantry Staples.
  7. Add Fresh Herbs or Dairy When Serving.
  8. Recipes Pictured.

What is the ingredient that most soups begin with? ›

Great broth — Most soups are anchored by a stock or broth, and one with depth of flavor (not just a lot of salt) is key. Buy a quality one, or simmer up a batch of your own. Try an easy chicken or mushroom broth, or our versatile Homemade Vegetable Broth opens in a new tab.

What is the best soup to eat everyday? ›

6 delicious and healthy soups
  • Chicken Vietnamese Pho.
  • Green spring minestrone.
  • Herb and yoghurt-based soup.
  • Lamb shank and barley soup.
  • Pumpkin soup with star croutons.
  • Lentil and vegetable soup with crusty bread.
Apr 26, 2020

What ingredient makes soup taste good? ›

"If your broth is lacking in savory richness, try adding roasted onion, tomato paste, mushrooms, seaweed, soy sauce, or miso. These ingredients add umami flavor and depth to broth," she says. The choice of ingredient depends on the recipe, though.

Why add vinegar to soup? ›

Vinegar, much like salt, is a flavor enhancer — it not only imparts its own taste and acidity to a soup, but in small quantities, it helps to bring out the brightness of other ingredients as well.

What ingredient makes soup thicker? ›

You can also use flour or cornflour to thicken a soup. Put a tablespoon of either into a small bowl and stir in 2-3 tbsp of the soup until you have a smooth mixture. Stir this back into the soup and bring it to a simmer.

What not to put in soup? ›

The Worst Things to Put in Your Soup
  1. By Sara Butler. If there's one good thing about fall and winter, it's soup. ...
  2. Heavy Cream. Heavy cream creates an inviting texture for soups but that's where its positive contributions end. ...
  3. Juice. ...
  4. Turkey Bacon. ...
  5. Cheese. ...
  6. Croutons.

What is the key for good soup? ›

Making a delicious soup depends on building flavors as you go along. Aromatics, which include garlic, onion, leeks, carrots and celery, are the basic flavor-building blocks of most soup recipes. Sauteing these vegetables in oil or butter is the first step to boosting your soup's flavor.

What spices are good in soup? ›

To season it, we recommend starting with our Vegetable Soup Mix. It contains celery salt, parsley flakes, garlic powder, sea salt, summer savory, marjoram, thyme, black pepper, turmeric and sage, which are all excellent with root vegetables, so you can incorporate things like carrots or potatoes into the soup.

How many minutes should a soup boil? ›

Cooking soup completely depends on what you are cooking in the soup. If it has no raw meat, you could cook it in less than 10 minutes. If it has raw meat, it could take longer as raw meat is not something you want to have in a soup.

What are 6 qualities of a good soup? ›

A good soup should be full-flavored, with no off or sour tastes. Flavors from each of the soup's ingre- dients should blend and complement, with no one flavor overpowering another. Con- sommés should be crystal clear. The vegetables in vegetable soups should be brightly colored, not gray.

What is America's favorite soup? ›

A comforting classic, chicken noodle soup is widely loved for its soothing properties and delicious taste.

What is the national soup of the United States? ›

In the U.S., gumbo is the top national soup, a thick spicy soup from Louisiana. Clam chowder is another.

What is the oldest type of soup? ›

Americans eat more than 10 billion bowls of soup each year. How about the hippo variety? The earliest archaeological evidence for the consumption of soup dates back to 6000 BC, and it was hippopotamus soup.

What are 3 specialty soups? ›

In addition, a specialty soup doesn't require any meat on it; it can be made with fruits, vegetables, and nuts. Some examples are peanut soup, coconut soup, turtle soup, and curry soup.

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Author: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

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Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

Birthday: 1999-09-15

Address: 8416 Beatty Center, Derekfort, VA 72092-0500

Phone: +6838967160603

Job: Mining Executive

Hobby: Woodworking, Knitting, Fishing, Coffee roasting, Kayaking, Horseback riding, Kite flying

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Refugio Daniel, I am a fine, precious, encouraging, calm, glamorous, vivacious, friendly person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.